The Rap Sheet - from the Crimefighter
Capitol City Championship Wrestling's Blood Sweat & Tears
7/24/2K4 Springfield, IL

Did 3CW's first major show live up to the hype?

The rap sheet is archived at the Rap Sheet Dossier at and can be read in various locations on the internet that I send it to, which includes a newsgroup that wrestling companies could use to promote their shows but don't. The views expressed by Crimefighter are solely his own, and do not necessarily reflect the views of friends, associates, co-workers, organizations, whichever website you're reading this report on, or any of the six billion people on planet Earth.

Capitol City Championship Wrestling was holding it's first PPV-like show in existence the same day I was at a different show doing commentary.  They filmed the event, and I had full intentions of getting the video for review.  After about two months I finally got the video, though the official version is not out yet, for getting this thing watched and reviewed I was all too willing to get the raw footage from a still camera and thus this rap sheet is based on that.  Unfortunately the copy was distorted a bit and some parts of the show were out of view with this camera so I'm gonna have to reserve judgment on some items until the DVD is finished and I can turn in my copy for an upgrade.  Strange sight after the show, two little girls were hitting each other with the trays used in the rumble.

Live from 1900 N. 19th Street.  Your ring announcer is _____.  Your commentary team is _____ and ______.  Your 3CW commissioner is KC Marsh.  I'd like to say whoever it is that writes "The Rundown" exaggerates a lot in describing what happened during this show, which is what I used as an aid in getting some details that the camera missed.  All the matches tonight have some sort of stipulation.

KC Marsh at the open talks about the 20-man hardcore royal rumble but he has one extra and thus schedules a playoff that's supposedly falls count anywhere between the last two men, and they come out right now.

Billy Reno vs. Kaleiko -- Kaleiko jumps him as Reno got introduced.  Whip to corner, Reno pounds away, chops, he runs to the other corner and charges for the back splash but missed.  Kaleiko whip hip toss blocked, knee jam Reno.  They roll out, Reno with pan shots, they fight on the floor and soon disappear to the back.  No ref, no bell, thus no match.

NO WINNER:  NO MATCH -> 2:30 mins. N/A

Tag Team Tables Match
"Golden Eagle" Chip Conway & Justin Blade vs. Irish Revolution - Mickey McNelson & Shamus McNelson w/ Pat MuGroin - They flub the music for Conway.  Chip's original partner was Machine Gunn Tommy but at the last minute he had to leave for emergency medical attention, so Conway has Justin Blade in his place.  They tease the Irish guys with the jig.  Chip & Mick start.  Lockup, hammerlocks traded, they pound away on each other, Chip yanks him down by the hair.  Lockup, Mickey with a takedown and whips Chip on the rear.  Mick slugs away, whip Conway kicks him in the corner.  They go outside to fight, Mick tosses Chip back in, tag Shamus.  Whip dropkick by Chip has no effect, Shamus tries drop kicking the air and hits the mat.  Chip drops elbows, tag Blade but the Irish Revs bail.  Lockup, Blade kicks away, whip reverse splash Shamus.  Whip clothesline Shamus.  Slam, splash, tag Mick.  Mick weakly punches away, whip Blade gets a headscissors to send Mick outside.  Shamus in and gets a shot in, Mick rolls in, whip to the corner, Blade gets the splash.  Blade chokes away, LOW BLOW Mick, tag Shamus.  The Irish go to opposite corners and charge for a sandwich but miss Blade.  Tag Conway, he pounds away.  Whip reverse clothesline Mick, they toss him but he doesn't hit the floor.  Shamus gets a table and puts it in the corner.  Mick slugs away, Chip turns him and slugs away weakly, whip toward the table but Shamus pulls the table away.  Chip kicks away, LOW BLOW Mick.  Mickey with a slam, second rope elbow.  Mick throws some more weak punches, Chip has his head rammed into a table, tag Shamus.  Double whip to the corner, table gets moved by Blade and dumped to the floor.  Tag Shamus, they get punch drunk again, whip dropkick by Chip.  Tag Blade, he slugs away some more!  Attempt to slam the 350 pound Shamus fails miserably, Shamus slams HIM.  Shamus throws some more weak punches in the corner, and this match is just dragging on and on.  Blade powerbombs him off the second rope.  Mick in, Chip in, it's another slugfest!  Mick flops down, Blade kicks away, tag Chip.  More weak forearms.  Table is put in, the Irish Revs try to sandwich Chip but get the referee instead!  Mick puts Chip on the table, Mick with a second rope splash but Chip moves away and he crashes through it.  The ref is down, the Irish Revs still go after Chip, do the Demolition decapitation elbow double team move they renamed the Clover Crusher, dump Conway on the broken table, revive the ref and win the match.  Really long, dull and boring, and ugh those weak punches.

WINNERS:  The Irish Revolution KO -> 17:10 mins. ¼*

Nemesis and the Iron Chef Leo Lagossi come out to gripe at people.

Triple Threat Casket Match
Gavin Alexander vs. Vampire Kaval vs. Chuck Diamond - Well the rules of this match weren't explained.  Do you win by dumping the other two guys in the box or is one enough?  Kaval does a very Undertaker like entrance, raising his arms to make the lights go up.  Gavin attacks him before Diamond even comes out.  Gavin whip flying clothesline Kaval, fight in the corner, drop kick Kaval, whip splash.  Chuck comes in and whacks Gavin with a chair, chop block, drop kick double team.  Chuck knee to the face of Kaval, whip baseball slide drop kick on Gavin.  Chuck suicide dive on Kaval & Gavin.  Apron slams by Chuck, Gavin throws Kaval into the post.  Chuck with a running enzuigiri on Gavin.  Gavin is put against the post, Chuck charges and well eats the post.  Kaval with chairshots, Gavin slugs the chair into Kaval.  Gavin with an apron slam, Chuck put in, whip sideslam Gavin.  Fistdrop, elbow, fistdrop, elbow Gavin, Chuck whip rolling splash but gets thrown down on the bulldog attempt.  Kaval with a chop block, Gavin cusses up a storm, leg is put on the rope for Kaval to sit on it.  Kaval works the leg, Chuck in, Kaval with a neckbreaker, then a flipping legdrop.  Kaval gets tossed into the casket, but blocks the lid.  Kaval escapes, gets a chairshot on Gavin.  Chuck and Kaval do the Hardy's back jump side kick.  Gavin catches Kaval for a powerbomb, Chuck yanks him down from behind.  Chuck drop toe holds Kaval into a chair on the mat.  Chuck puts him in the tree of woe and kicks away.  Chuck puts a chair on his face, does a rolling drop kick.  Gavin tosses him out, hits Kaval with a half suplex into a facebuster (dang I need to find the name for that move) into the chair.  Chuck in, gets in Gavin's face, Gavin whip sitout spinebuster.  Kaval runs in and hits Sliced Bread #2 on Gavin.  Kaval and Chuck decide to unite, they kick away, Kaval takedown on the ropes, Kaval holds a chair in front of Gavin's face for the 619 by Chuck!  Kaval goes up, crossbody, Gavin is still cussing a lot, CONCHAIRTO by Chuck and Kaval.  They dump Gavin into the box and the ref declares co-winners.

WINNERS:  Vampire Kaval & Chuck Diamond KO -> 12:40 mins. ***

The next day, WQLZ's Morning Disaster posts pictures of Rage being soaked in ice cream as a result of getting a concussion from the conchairto.  Bunch of people run outside for some particular reason, dunno why.

Taped Fist Match
"The Iron Chef" Leo Lagossi vs. Ace Dorrity - These were the two guys who had that horrible first ever 3CW match.  The chef charges Dorrity but he dodges him and chokes away in the corner.  Suplex Ace, he slugs him down for one.  Chef slugs away, slam Chef gets one.  Chef slugs away, suplex gets one.  Choke by Lagossi, turnbuckle smash, chops.  Ace turns him, he slugs and kicks away.  Whip clothesline Ace, he slugs away and gets two.  Axe slugs and kicks away.  Whip reverse splash by the chef.  Lagossi dumps him out, works him on the floor, Ace gets a DDT on the floor.  Ace back in, suicide senton over the top rope to the floor.  Toss in gets two.  Slugfest, Ace whip reverse bulldog Ace gets two.  Chef gets him in a fireman's carry, teases a different move, but spins him off the shoulders to the mat and locks in the crippler crossface for the submission.  Glad Ace didn't try any wheelbarrows.

WINNER:  "The Iron Chef" Leo Lagossi submission -> 6:30 mins. **

Billy Reno and Kaleiko come out of nowhere brawling up the side of the audience and out another side door.  Ummm yeah.  They go to intermission.

19-Man Hardcore Royal Rumble
Rules for this rumble, numbers one to four start the match for three minutes, then a new person enters every minute thereafter.  Wrestlers can use whatever weapons they wish on others.  This was supposed to be 20 men, but we appear to be one short by the end.  So why did KC Marsh bother with a playoff earlier?  #1 is Vampire Kaval, #2 is Chip Conway, #3 is El Burreto Aerial, #4 is The Disciple.  Everyone takes turns pounding on each other, Chip chops the other masked guy, Kaval and Disciple fight, Disciple chokeslams Kaval.  Chip shoulderblocks EBA, he rolls out and Chip follows.  Disciple whip Kaval splash missed, facebreaker Kaval.  Disciple goes after Chip, whip splash.  Suplex Kaval on Chip.  Kaval whip on Chip he eats a boot.  Disciple chokes EBA.  Kaval rolls out, Chip follows.  Disciple whip EBA clothesline corner, Disciple goes outside.

#5 is “The Iron Chef” Leo Lagossi and he whacks Disciple with a stick.  Kaval gets a chair in there, Chef rolls out.  Disciple tries to get rid of Kaval but he kicks him in the head.  Disciple gets the stick.

#6 is Jokez, panshot on Kaval.  Chef dumps EBA and he's gone.  Kaval panshots Chip.  Disciple almost dumps Jokez but he flips back in.  Now everyone's on the floor beating each other with stuff.

#7 is Shamus McNelson.  Kaval works Jokaz with the stick, Disciple gets after him, Jokaz whacks Kaval with the stick.  Shamus and Chef back in and beat on Disciple.

#8 is Justin Blade with a ladder.  Shamus & Chef dump Disciple out.  Ladder is set up, someone gets whipped into the ladder, oh that was Blade.  Kaval is put in, chairshots by Chef.  Chip whacks Jokaz with a stick.

#9 is Gavin Alexander.  Trashcan shots, weak ones by Gavin.  Chef throws Kaval out.  Chip fights Shamus, ladder is put up again.  Jokaz is whacking someone with a stick.  Chef takes it and nails Jokaz.  Chip's in the ring.

#10 is Sanity.  Shamus works Jokaz on the floor, everyone else is out of view.  Sanity chokeslams Jokaz on a trashcan, Gavin chairshots Sanity.

#11 is Ace Dorrity.  Gavin goes after Sanity.  Chef runs from Justin Blade.  Chip beats on Shamus.

#12 is Brian Violence.  Everything is out of view at this point, I need the DVD or something.  Someone nails Shamus with a pan.

#13 is Billy Reno and #14 is Kaleiko.  Well they brought them out together and they're fighting again.  Chip is walking around with a trashcan and hits Shamus with it.  Everyone piles back in the ring.  Reno is driven face first.

#15 is Chuck Diamond.  Sanity tries to hit Gavin with a chair.  Sanity chokes Reno.  Too much going to tell what’s going on.

#16 is Hachet Warrior.  Gavin gets dumped by the Chef, he's out.  Chef gets Brian Violence out.  Jokaz almost gets eliminated.

#17 is Machine Gunn Tommy!  Well after getting checked out at the hospital and treated, he was able to get back to the show in time for the rumble.  Fight continues, I can't tell much, Dudley Dog by Ace on somebody.

#18 is Dickie Williams.  Tommy gets rid of whoever it is with the red shirt and white facepaint, apparently Hachet Warrior.  Dickie has a whiffle ball bat, sheesh.  Jokaz throws Sanity out.  Tommy whacks Jokez with a weapon.

#19 is Mickey McNelson.  Dickie taps Mickey with the plastic bat.  Okay that's PATHETIC.  Ace whips someone with the racket.  Blade goes after Shamus.  Chip with a canshot on someone.   Shamus throws Billy Reno out.  Chef and Shamus work on Blade, Dickie Williams fights Mickey.  Chef dumps Chip Conway out.  Chef nails someone on the floor.  Mickey with a panshot on Williams.  Chef throws Kaleiko back in, Mickey throws him over the top.  Shamus comes in with a barbed wire bat!  He’s so mad from being hit with a whiffle ball bat that he cuts up Dickie Williams head with it!  Chef and Mickey throw Justin Blade out, Ace is put on the ladder, Shamus splashes him.  Dickie Williams back in Chef and Williams try to get Shamus out.  Mickey almost dumps Ace out.  Chef directs traffic, Shamus whip and Williams goes sailing out.  Chef then dumps Shamus out, which was a surprise.  Mickey McNelson works on Ace.  Chef whips Ace into Mickey and he tries to back body drop him out, but he lands on the apron, rolls in, then out to the floor, Chef and Mickey think they won, Ace runs up and drop kicks them both out for the win.

WINNER:  Ace Dorrity -> 21:10 mins. N/A

Uh oh, there's a dispute, KC Marsh doesn't quite think Ace's win was legit, but Chef is arguing furiously with him and the refs.  Chef screams that he and Mickey won this rumble so now they want a triple threat match between him, Mickey McNelson and Ace Dorrity.  Okay whatever, but it was CLEAR who won this thing.  Not the best rumble I've seen but there was a bunch I didn't get to see with this tape.  I rarely rate battle royals or rumbles.

3CW Heavyweight Championship - Last Man Standing
Nemesis vs. Kandi Deluxe w/ Peppermint Paddie - Lockup, drop toe hold Kandi, shoveoff, crossbody caught, Kandi slips out, Kandi gets caught again, powerbomb attempt reversed into a bulldog by Kandi.  Kandi with the BOOT, flying clothesline, Nemesis bails out.  Kandi suicide dive attempt gets a trash can into the face.  He almost didn't clear the top rope and lands hard.  Apron slam, toss in Nemesis.  He gets a ladder, Kandi face slams him into it.  Nemesis gets up and steps over the ladder, Kandi bounces it up into his crotch in a rather contrived spot.  Baseball slide dropkick into the ladder by Kandi, fight outside, Kandi gets POSTED, trayshot and toss in by Nemesis.  Side tilt-a-whirl slam by Nemesis, torture rack into a neckbreaker.  Pickup, Kandi outta nowhere KICK WHAM STUNNER!  Nemesis shrugs it off, hits a chokeslam, Kandi up at 5.  Jumping double-arm DDT Nemesis.  Paddie jumps in the ring and begs for mercy but Nemesis whacks her in the back with a chair.  Paddie rolls out, Nemesis dumps a bag of TACKS in the ring!  Nemesis tries to shove Kandi's face into the tacks, but gets bulldogged into them instead!  This video doesn't allow me to see it, oh well.  Russian leg sweep by Kandi into the tacks again, then some chairshots.  Nemesis rolls out, fight outside, the ladder is fetched again and used.  Ref gets to eight, something happens outta view.  Leo Lagossi runs out and nails Kandi with something.  KC Marsh removes the Chef from ringside.  The two men get back in, Nemesis blocks the stunner, TOMBSTONE PILEDRIVER!  Nemesis positions the chair, low-impact tombstone on the chair.  Kandi is up at nine.  Nemesis stands the chair up, a sick-looking THIRD TOMBSTONE on the chair and that gets the KO.  Some sloppiness in there and contrived stuff just hurt the match.

WINNER and NEW CHAMP:  Nemesis KO -> 16:40 mins. **½

The Verdict:  Did the show live up to the hype as I read in the Rundown report?  Surprisingly the answer is no.  Though I've seen a lot worse shows this year, I'll grant that 3CW has made some progress in improving the product in the ring.  But they still have some ways to go.  And someone will tell me I’ve overrated stuff again.

Thumbs leaning down.