The Rap Sheet - by the Crimefighter
Special Streaming Video Edition #11

This rap sheet is posted in along with my website The Rap Sheet Dossier at

Whew, four live wrestling shows in one month, coupled together in two separate weekends. The consequence of going to these shows and being away almost every weekend has left my living quarters a mess, and a few projects left undone. This rap sheet isn't one of those undone projects, since I can write these up during the excessive lull time I have at my place of employment. Boredom sucks I tell you. Anyone catch the Ultimate Warrior on C-Span a few weeks ago? He looks like Kevin Nash!

Mad Mac Davis is holding some sort of contest at where he's calling for indy wrestlers to send him videos of their matches, either VHS tape or a streaming video file, and he'll host the video file on his site for the world to see. And of course that gives me material to review and rate! *smirk*

The guys with Tripod, in an effort to throw the middle finger at those who use pop-up ad blockers, have resorted to slapping ads on the bottom of each page. And they say do not make sites with frames or ads will appear in all frames. Recommended that users continue to browse with Netscape with javascript disabled. Internet Explorer users have no way to disable Java period. And it is most vulnerable for thiefware/adware/spyware to install their parasites on your machine cause people are careless. I hear Internet Explorer has taken 95% of the browser traffic now, and I thought that anti-trust lawsuit was supposed to stop Macroshaft from getting such a big chunk of the browser market. Download Netscape 7.1 NOW!

I have seven matches from Toryumon to review, but each one is very long while the American stuff is time-sensitive and stuff so those get a bit more priority. So I think I will just do three of those bouts for this edition and save the rest for #12. Today's stuff includes:

Assault Championship Wrestling out of Connecticut

Dr. Reginald Heresey vs. "Hurricane" John Walters
"Diehard" Eddie Edwards vs. Abunai

Georgia Independent Wrestling Association out of Georgia

Glacier vs. "Platinum Playboy" Preston Paradise

Yankee Pro Wrestling out of Massachusetts

"The Blak Widow" Amanda Storm vs. Violet Flame

Toryumon out of Japan

Magnum Toyko vs. CIMA
Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Minoru Tanaka
CIMA & Judo SUWA vs. Sumo Fuji & Yoshikazu TARU

Starting off with ACW and the show recorded on at Anger Rising 2.

Show begins with La Familia members, Mike Milano, Bulldog Blanski and Dylan Kage. Someone else is commentating today, and he's mad as hell at Milano for injuring him to the point where he had surgery and currently can barely use his left arm. Milano runs his mouth about his new member of his crime family and brings out Shabba White. Well he's cleaned up, dressed and not drunk. White cusses up a storm about his prior appearance, Kage spinkicks him in the head. Bulldog chews him out saying Jason Knight did nothing for him then brings out Tiger Mulligan as the REAL new member of La Familia. Ooooookay. Tiger kicks Shabba in the groin and Milano beats on him some more. Tiger and Kage continue to beat him down. Milano shouts at someone, the criminals tie up Shabba in the ropes and continue to beat the crap out of him. Finally Johnny Thunder comes out, Scotty Charisma, Mike Xylas and Red Hot Russ. Thunder then brings out Vic Gunner and the crooks flee. Ad for the Powerstation.

#1 Contenders Match ACW Heavyweight Title

Dr. Reginald Heresey vs. "Hurricane" John Walters - Heresey is dressed as a doctor of course, but does wear light blue and yellow tights. Hurricane isn't the superhero but wears black tights with red zigzag lines. Drop toe hold by Walters, then proceeds to pummel Heresey before he flees. The doc gets back in, lockup, armbar Heresey, reversed by Walters, takedown, shots to the head and he bails for a seat at the picnic tables. Back in, lockup, headlock by Heresey and a takedown, wrestling on the mat, Walters goes for a modified sharpshooter with an armbar, then does the full move before Heresey makes the ropes. Heresey bails, Walters baseball slides into him, chop, toss in, Heresey begs for a time out, Walters slugs him, hip toss gets two. Forearm shots, whip to the corner, knee to the turnbuckle, oops. Heresey jams his foot in the back of the knee, then does something like the trailer park hitch but the Walters makes the ropes. Heresey with an eyepoke, slugs away, headbutt, to the corner, charges, catches the boot, then does an over the shoulder dragon screw leg whip, ties the legs up, flips over, into the bow and arrow but lets go before he pins himself. Heresey slugs away some more, before Walters kicks back, chops, whip elbow gets two. Walters suplex gets two. Hurricane whip to the corner, Heresey with a backslide gets one, Hurricane hooks Heresey for the Widows Peak (Victoria's finisher) and pins him!

WINNER: "Hurricane" John Walters pin -> 7:50 mins. **½

ACW Jr. Heavyweight Championship

"Diehard" Eddie Edwards vs. Abunai w/ Ariel - Lockup, Edwards with a takedown, another one. Edwards wants a strength test, teases him, then lock, Edwards kicks, Abunai drop kicks him twice, arm drag off a firearms carry. Edwards chases Ariel, Abunai with a baseball slide, apron smash, toss in, slingshot flying leg drop gets two. Turnbuckle smash, seven punches before being tossed off, clothesline gets two for Abunai. Chop, whip reverse, overhead belly-to-belly suplex sends Abunai on his chest. Edwards kicks and punches away, suplex is blocked, Edwards flips him over, choke in the corner. Abunai chops, Edwards with a forearm shot. Whip back body drop attempt gets a kick to the face, clotheslines, rollup by Abunai gets two, drop kick gets two. Whip leapfrog, trip Edwards. Edwards kicks at the knee, hangs the foot on the second rope, drops his knee on it to snap it, cover for two. Leg snap Edwards, double leg breaker, holds it but he doesn't submit. Slam Edwards, goes to the top rope, moonsault misses! Abunai can't hardly stand, forearm shots, whip spin kick, Russian leg sweep, springboard off the second rope for the leg drop getting two. Edwards on a whip, reversed for a DDT. Abunai goes to the top, crotches himself by a shove of the ref into the ropes by Edwards, Ariel on the apron to argue, Edwards grabs her head, misses the slap, Ariel slaps him, Abunai with a bulldog, Ariel to the top and hits a crossbody. That somehow doesn't draw a DQ. Abunai to the top for a second rope moonsault ref counts two then realizes the ten minutes were already up. Bell never rang but the match is stopped at 10:25 minutes.

NO WINNER: TIME LIMIT DRAW -> 10 mins. ***

Wiqued runs in and attacks Abunai then throws him out of the ring, then attacks Eddie Edwards and throws him out as the show ends and they show an ad for the next show.

Moving out to Georgia, another video from in the Georgia Independent Wrestling Association on 8/16/2K3.

Glacier 6'2" 255lbs. Parts Unknown vs. "Platinum Playboy" Preston Paradise 6'2" 252lbs. Jacksonville, FL w/ Precious Platinum - Your ring announcer is RayMac. PPPP wears a T-shirt that says "Got Me?" and has a blonde woman with him. After walking around the ring he shoves down a ring attendant. Glacier comes out from a fog in his full costume. PPPP has the mike, tells everyone to sit down and shut up. Says that the contract that was signed was for a tag match and not a singles match so he brings out what was described as an unexpected partner, "Mr. Finesse" Dave Holiday (6'1", 238lbs. Jacksonville, FL). Some guy in the crowd wants to be Glacier's tag partner to get at PPPP very badly. Glacier says it seems unfair that it's now 3-on-1, PPPP tells him if he don't like it just go home, but Glacier says he'd have Mac Davis as his partner and he's not here. But he's gotta do what he's gotta do. Glacier slugs PPPP, whip and hits with karate kicks and sweeps. Finesse comes in and gets chopped making them flee. PPPP back in, he mocks Glacier's stances to stall. Skip in the tape. Lockup, shoveoff, Mr. Finesse holds Glacier, charge to the corner misses, appears Mad Mac's wife didn't get a tripod like I suggested they do before, Glacier kicks PPPP down and he bails. Great more stalling. That one guy continues to heckle like mad. Now Glacier goes and grabs some kid from the bleachers and puts him in his corner. The ref sends the kid back to his seat for his own safety. Lockup, PPPP knees him, throws him in his corner and kicks away. PPPP puts the ref in some other direction as Finesse beats on Glacier. Choke with a boot PPPP, Finesse with a choke using a tag rope. Whip to the other corner, splash attempt by PPPP is aborted, but Glacier trips his legs and crotches him in the post. Glacier gets back in as his chant goes on, PPPP wastes another minute of my time selling the injury and finally tags in Finesse. Lockup, shove Glacier. Headlock Glacier, shoveoff, PPPP tries a cheap shot but gets slugged, Finesse kick, punch knockdown gets barely a one count. Rear chinlock, snap mare, sleeper on the mat, running neck snap, elbow on the knee, tag PPPP. Kickaway at the back of the leg, spinning leg vice, then he tossing Glacier out for the girlfriend to tease him. PPPP stomps the hand, knees to the gut, whip kick Glacier, trip PPPP, spinning ankle lock, grabs Finesse for more torque. PPPP stomps the foot on the ropes, kicks the leg, another spinning ankle lock, small package Glacier gets two. Clothesline PPPP gets one. PPPP with the butterfly armbar, Glacier up, chops out of it, PPPP with a knee and a knockdown, toss out. The girlfriend slaps him this time. Not precious at all. PPPP is out, chops away on Glacier and rams him in the post, charges and crashes into the post himself. The camerawomen moves over as Mac Davis runs out from the back ready to tag in. PPPP in, gets shoved into the corner, misses an elbow, gets kicked off again. Camera can't stay in one place again. Davis is tagged in off camera, neckbreaker on Finesse. Davis slugs away, as PPPP nails Davis and tosses him out. Kick on the floor, head slam into a chair. Davis knees back, slugs on him against the ring, DDT on the gym floor! Davis continues to slug away on him, finally puts him back in, DVD is blocked, Glacier goes after Finesse but he tosses Davis out as they fight on the floor. Finesse misses a chair shot and bounces it on his head off the ropes, Glacier with handcuffs? Yeah the girlfriend had thrown them in there. Glacier with a kick off camera, cause Mrs. Davis was shooting Mac fighting PPPP, cover for three. Well crap, that camerawork was messed up again. Oops, Glacier was caught with the handcuffs in hand by the ref and he DQ's them on the spot. Umm...yeah.

WINNER: "Platinum Playboy" Preston Paradise & Mr. Finesse DQ -> 15:05 mins shown. *

Nothing match, dumb finish. Davis has the mike and yells at Paradise. He's tired of hearing from him that he's an old man, he knows they grew up watching wrestlers like Doink the Clown while he watched Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes. He insults Precious Platinum making her mad. Davis will play poker with him, in another cage match next month. He wants PPPP back in the ring right now, if he's scared just say he's scared. Spear Davis on PPPP, Finesse is clotheslined and kicked over the top rope. Kids swarm Davis and Glacier.

Jumping over to a women's match, also from as a part of his "Bad Enough" contest to find out who's bad enough. This was in Braintree, MA for Yankee Pro Wrestling taped around Oct. 1999.

"The Blak Widow" Amanda Storm 5'7" 170lbs. Sacramento, CA vs. Violet Flame 5'4" 105lbs. Boston, MA - Apparently Storm has been wrestling for twenty years. Strawweight versus a cruiserweight here, though Flame bulked up to the lightweight class later. Flame states that Storm has been her all-time most hated opponent. Storm regularly bashed Flame like crazy in her columns for what was Scoops Central (RIP) from years ago. Lockup, headlock Storm, hammerlock headlock Flame, takedown gets one. Leg scissors choke Storm, but runs into a hip toss then gets kicked out of the ring and tumbles over the rail. Lockup, slam Storm, light stomp, grab of the hair, yank up and drop. Snap mare Storm, cheap cover gets two. Slugaway Storm, chops on the ropes, whip back body drop attempt blocked into a sunset flip by Flame gets one. Storm bends the head, then from an armbar, steps over it, puts the arm between her legs, moves to the side of to the victim and then does a DDT while holding the leg scissor of the arm, not holding the head. If that's got a name I dunno what it is. Pickup, whip, clothesline Flame gets one. Weak clothesline sends Storm over the top. Flame tries to jump on Storm but gets caught in a bearhug then her back rammed into the apron. Storm throws her back in, stomp, misses a standing legdrop. Flame works on the knee, tries up the legs but Storm with a choke behind the back to break it up. Flame yanks Storm off the ropes, twists the leg, but Storm twists her off. Storm puts Flame in the tree of woe and crunches her in the corner, then mocks Hulk Hogan. Storm appears to be biting, Violet kicks back, choke with a foot, but Storm clubs her out of the corner. Crucifix Roll gets one for Amanda. Storm with a slam, wastes time posing, to the second rope but Flame is up and flips her off, drop kick to the back, neck snap. Flame whip, kick, double-arm DDT finishes it. Okay for a women's match, unlike the crap in the WWE we've gotten lately.

WINNER: Violet Flame pin -> 9 mins. **

Now moving to Ultimo Dragon's Toryumon promotion in Japan. These videos came from one site: The commentary is all in Japanese though.

Magnum Tokyo 6'0" 187lbs. Nerima-ku, Toyko, Japan vs. CIMA 5'8" 176lbs. Sakai City, Japan - This match took place back in Feb. 1999. Tokyo Magnum, flip the name whichever way appeared in WCW and tried to hook up with Disco Inferno and Alex Wright as the third member of the Dancing Fools. In Toryumon, the wrestlers are all on teams that feud with other teams and in this case, Magnum today is with the "Do Fixers" and CIMA is with the "Crazy MAX". This bout took place before those factions were created. When they do the ring intro, all sorts of streamers fly into the ring. Toyko is in pink and black, CIMA is in white and black with a lot of streamers. Lockup, trade off of headlocks and drop kicks. CIMA with a takedown, drop kick in the back. Toyko kicks back, snap mare, kick to the back and a kick sends him out. Shoveoff, shoulderblocks, drop kick Tokyo, flips himself over the top onto CIMA outside. Chops by Tokyo, whip, takedown, STF but CIMA gets to the ropes. Magnum continues to kick away, whip reversed, Magnum is tripped and pulled into post by CIMA's teammates (illegally), CIMA with a drop kick to the head, Judo Suwa gets a cheap shot in, and this doesn't draw a DQ from the ref who saw everything. CIMA pickup, snap mare, slingshot senton, chop to the throat. Whip back elbow gets two for CIMA. CIMA lays it in, flatliner! Leg drops, CIMA showboat leg drop gets two. Front suplex by CIMA. CIMA does some more off the second rope, looked like a tornado knee drop that misses. Tokyo up and kicks CIMA to the corner, whip to the corner clothesline, to the top rope, he does the swivel of the hips, hurraconranna gets two. Tokyo with a pickup, chops, whip reversed, Tokyo with a neck snap on the ropes, but the Crazy MAXes swarm Magnum on the outside with a three on one attack, chairshot by Suwa, the referee tries to break it up but is thrown into the crowd. What is this? No DQ? Suwa rams Magnum into the apron, CIMA with a suicide dive through the ropes. CIMA rams him in the apron, drop kick as Toyko gets back in, CIMA with headbutts to the back. Whip sunset flip Magnum gets two, bridge by CIMA gets two. Victory Roll Tokyo reversed gets two for CIMA. Small package CIMA gets two. Drop toe hold, leg hook rollover gets two before CIMA punches him in the butt. Spinning back kick by Tokyo. Baseball slide kick CIMA, twisting suicide dive on Tokyo outside. Back in, CIMA suplexes Tokyo in, blocked, CIMA Russian leg sweep. CIMA to the top, Tokyo rolls out and botches a move before doing a hurraconranna but CIMA rolls thru for two. German suplex Magnum gets two. Magnum up, pumphandle powerslam, goes to the top rope, Crazy MAX's manager on the apron, shooting star press, the heels hold the referee as Magnum runs over to argue. CIMA charges but gets hooked into a pinning combo for two. Pumphandle powerslam Tokyo, goes outside again to the top as the manager hits him with a baseball bat. No DQ there either. CIMA has Tokyo on the top rope, CIMA stands on the mat with his back to him, grabs the arms and spreads them out, then flips him over his head back first on the mat. Dunno the name of this one so I’ll call this the butterfly flip off the top gets two. CIMA with a shoulder jawbreaker, then goes for a powerbomb, but drops him face/chest first to the mat that gets only two. CIMA with a chop, puts him on the top rope, superplex is blocked, CIMA with a big uppercut punch, another one, CIMA with the butterfly flip off the top again. CIMA to the top, frogsplash gets three.

WINNER: CIMA pin -> 16 mins. ***½

Masaaki Mochizuki 5'9" 210lbs. Kotou-ku, Tokyo, Japan vs. Minoru Tanaka 5'9" 199lbs. ???, Japan - Mochizuki is the leader of the group known as M2K, but this bout took place before that group was formed. Mochizuki is the one wearing all black with red hair, Tanaka is wearing the blue with black hair. Tanaka didn't join any faction but instead joined up with New Japan Pro Wrestling. Lockup, Tanaka ties up the legs on the mat but Masaaki grabs an arm to negate it before getting on top then they separate. Some mat wrestling with Tanaka floating on top with an arm lock to get a pin, Masa (bleh, these tricky names) bridges out and flips over, Tanaka grabs the leg but Masa escapes. Headlock Tanaka, shoveoff, shoulderblock, spinning back kick by Masa, baseball slide, suicide dive on the floor. Tanaka back in, Masa works on the leg, whip, baseball slide drag to the post, and wraps the legs around it. Suplex Masa, half crab, but Tanaka makes the ropes and bails out. Masa charges Tanaka with more kicks on the leg, then scissors it up on the mat. Masa kicks some more but Tanaka grabs the leg, drop kick, suicide dive to the floor. They get back in at nine, Tanaka goes for a hammerlock on the mat, sheesh shoulders are down count ref! Tanaka works on the arm but Masa gets out and ties the legs up again for a reverse half crab. Masa is yanking all that leg for all he's worth, made the ropes again. Drop kick Tanaka on the leg, grabs the leg again, Masa grabs Tanaka's leg again. Masa kicks some more, before Tanaka takes him to the corner and drop kicks him. Snap suplex Tanaka, applies the Code Red but he made the ropes. Whip to the corner, Tanaka eats a high kick and gets his leg stretched again in the ankle lock. Masa puts on the figure four! About time. Tanaka turns it over, but Masa gets back over before the ropes are reached. Masa charges at Tanaka outside but swings thru the ropes 619-style then does a flying kick to the head off the second rope on the apron. Masa suplexes Tanaka back in, but he gets out of it, flying spin kick Tanaka. Figure four Tanaka, it's turned over by Masa but he grabs the rope. Masa drops the leg across his knee, clothesline gets one. Masa to the top, missile drop kick to the back of the head, German suplex. Referee is counting Tanaka like he was a boxer. Masa whip clothesline to the corner, Masa goes up, Tanaka shoves him off but misses a second rope drop kick. Masa ties him up for two. Tanaka reverses a move and rolls him up for two. Tanaka with a brainbuster gets two. Tanaka pickup, to the corner, puts Masa on the top rope, Tanaka tries a superplex, blocked, Masa dumps him, drop kicks the knee from the top, applies a figure four but Tanaka makes the ropes. Masa kicks some more, jumps off the top for a kick to the back of the head, German suplex gets two. Masa with a full nelson, Tanaka makes the ropes, kick to the head, German gets two. Masa charges, Tanaka with a backslide gets two. Masa with a clothesline gets two. Masa suplex blocked, Tanaka with the Code Red but he gets the ropes. Tanaka with a full-nelson suplex gets two, then applies the Code Red again, but Masa makes the ropes. Tanaka charges with a dropkick, Northern Lights suplex, then the Code Red locked in and Masa has no where to go and submits. This was a match with lots of mat and submission hold wrestling there, a change from what I see elsewhere.

WINNER: Minoru Tanaka submission -> 16:45 mins. ***

CIMA 5'8" 176lbs. Sakai City, Japan & Judo Suwa 5'11" 210lbs. Kawanabe-gun, Japan vs. Sumo Fuji 5'9" 232lbs. Mino-O City, Japan & Yoshikazu Taru 6'1" 245lbs. Kobe City, Japan - This bout took place in late September 1999. Sumo Fuji is now known as Don Fujii. All these guys are with the group known as Crazy MAX and apparently it's a friendly inter-faction match. The video starts with someone in a gabfest with members of M2K which draws laughs from the crowd, but since I can't speak or understand Japanese I can't tell you what was said. To the match, it is Fuji and Suwa starting. Suwa has most of his head shaved except for one long strand in the back. Lockup to the corner, clean break. Headlock takedown Suwa, Fuji reverses out of it. Suwa with a kick, punch, headlock, Fuji shoveoff, shoulderblock does nothing. Trade of slaps, chops, Fuji shoulderblock, to the top, CIMA kicks the ropes to force him down. Tag Taru, tag CIMA. Taru kicks and punches away. Drop kick CIMA, chop, whip reversed, Taru with a kick to the gut and the back of the head. Tag Fuji, slam, elbow gets two. Tag Taru, hard kick, axe, snap mare, kick to the back, snap mare, rear headlock. M2K are out here with trophies and everyone directs their attention toward them but they split. CIMA is up, drop kick on Taru as Suwa takes out Fuji. Tag Suwa, chops to the chest, Taru with a rake, tag Fuji. Fuji with a chop, choke on the middle rope. CIMA runs in and kicks Fuji then Suwa knocks Taru off. Double whip, drop toe hold and drop kick. Suwa whip inverted atomic drop, LOW BLOW elbow. Suwa and CIMA work on Fuji, CIMA knocks Taru off. Double whip, double chop on Fuji. CIMA and SUWA proceed to put Fuji in a headstand, then bend his legs in as part apart as possible. Yowch. Taru asks them to break it. SUWA with a chop in the corner, get one of these guys out ref! CIMA whip, double knee to the chest, clothesline SUWA. Another whip to the corner, Fuji moves away from a charging SUWA, clothesline Fuji on CIMA, side belly to back suplex on SUWA. Taru in, kicks both men, whip to the corner, spinning heel kick gets two. Taru whip sitdown spinebuster gets two but CIMA breaks it up. Fuji in, whip to the corner clothesline bulldog on CIMA getting two. CIMA fights out, powerslam Fuji gets two. Fuji botches a slam, CIMA puts him on top, kicks and slaps, butterfly flip gets two. SUWA with a clothesline on Taru off the top gets two. Spinning neckbreaker SUWA gets two. SUWA whip flapjack gets two. Hip toss Taru, bodyslam, to the middle rope but here's M2K to grab him, they're yanked off, Taru misses a legdrop. SUWA on top but M2K hits him with a blue box, then proceed to hit everyone with it for the sports entertainment finish as the ref throws the match out. M2K whacks everyone with the box, including the referee.

NO CONTEST -> 11:05 mins. ***

That's it for this edition, #12 will feature four matches from Toryumon, including a pair of bouts between Crazy Max and M2K plus a five-way cage death match.