The Rap Sheet - from the Crimefighter
Capitol City Championship Wrestling's Hardcore Hell
10/30/2K4 Springfield, IL
When hardcore stunts go bad...
The views expressed in the rap sheet are that of a wrestling fan and do
not reflect the views of any wrestling organization or persons other
than the author. The rap sheet is posted in and whichever website you are reading this
It has been a very long time since I attended a 3CW show in
Springfield, mainly for the fact that other wrestling shows were held
on the same day the past several months. It's not to say I
haven't seen any of their wrestlers in the ring though, many of them
have gone to Decatur to wrestle. The venue for this show is the
same one that NMW had been using the past few months, marking the first
time the two local feds have used the same building in this town.
Live from the American Center. Your ring announcer is "Bent
Sprocket", who announces the wrestlers from the back, due to an injury
and loss of a foot a couple years back. The ceiling is low in
this building, but this ring is lower by a foot. It still does
not allow moves off the top rope however. There is no padding on
the floor, remember this point. Attendance was quite low tonight, about 60 people.
2/3 Falls Hardcore Match
"The Vampire Hunter" Aprick Laveque 6'0" 240lbs. Germany vs. Jaxson
Pride 5'11" 215lbs. Freedom, PA - Laveque was the one who
interrupted Kaval vs. Jokaz last week for no apparent reason.
Jaxson Pride was on the injured list and had his arm in a sling last
week, or so we're led to believe. This match is multiple falls
for some reason. First fall: Lockup, armbar Pride, snap
mare, rear chinlock. Laveque elbows out, starts working the
injured arm, kicks, knees, pulls it behind his back. Whip reverse
Japanese arm drag Pride, DDT. Pride fetches a chair and throws it
in the ring and it hits Laveque in the head! Haha! Pride
in, chairshot, drop toe hold on the chair that gets him on the
chin. Choke with the chair, legdrop on the chair by Pride gets
two. Weak shot to the head by Laveque gets two. Whip
clothesline Laveque gets two. Doublearm DDT Laveque gets
TWO! Kidding me. Choke hold Laveque, Pride punches back,
enzuigiri gets two. Suplex Pride gets two, Laveque gets another
DDT and gets three from it at 6:10 minutes. Second Fall:
Laveque with a choke on the ropes, cover gets two. Pride gets a
rollup out of nowhere for three at 7:10 minutes. Third
Fall: Vampire Kaval comes out and take a seat. Pride rolls
out and gets a pool cue. Cue shot by Pride gets two.
Facebuster from the second rope Pride gets two. Whip into a
chairshot by Kaval, Pride hits a jumping flatliner he calls Shattered
Pride for the win.
WINNER: Jaxson Pride (2-1) pin, pin -> 9:10 mins. *¼
Making the match multi-fall didn't seem necessary to me. Kaval
jumps in the ring and chairshots Laveque repeatedly for last
week. Kaval with a DDT on the chair!
Sanity 6'6" 220lbs. Texas vs. "EZ Money" Edward Zimmerman 6'0" 230lbs.
Toronto, ON - Gavin Alexander says Sanity is the worst wrestler in 3CW,
we'll see. I'm spelling out EZ Money so no one confuses him with
the former ECW and WCW wrestler. Lockup, armbar Sanity, double
armbar EZ, inside flip kick Sanity. Whip clothesline Sanity, whip
kick Sanity. Sanity chops, whip rolling elbow, then into the
crippler crossface. But he lets it go, rope walk on the second
rope forearm shot. Sanity slams EZ, crossarm breaker but lets it
go, figure four but EZ gets a rope. Whip reverse a botched
clothesline by EZ, inverted DDT, one...two...shoulder pops
up...THREE! Referee blew that one.
WINNER: "EZ Money" Edward Zimmerman pin -> 3:50 mins. ¾*
Nemesis comes out next with a sickle for an interview. Nemesis
trash talks the crowd, then says either Leo Lagossi or Mickey McNelson
would be champ if they didn't get into it during the triple threat and
handed to Ace Dorrity. The chef comes out and the Irish
Revolution join. He talks about their match later and claim to
have destroyed Machine Gun Tommy's knee with a sledgehammer. Oh
talk about exaggerating the damage you inflicted. Nemesis says
he'd be heavyweight champ, Chef national, and IR tag champs. He
gripes at the chef for wanting more than one belt. He says they
need to work as a team tonight as the crowd chant losers.
Hardcore Match
Dr. Gore & Hachet Warrior vs. Dickie Williams & Billy Reno
- The fight begins, panshot Williams on Warrior, panshot Reno on
Gore. Williams whip clothesline Warrior. Reno knocks down
Gore, Warrior pounds on Williams, Gore panshot on Reno. Warrior
chokes Williams, golf club shot by Williams on Warrior. Gore
suplex on Reno, kendo stick choke on Warrior. Suplex Gore into
the pans on Reno, DDT Williams on Warrior, ref out of position.
Reno gets panned by Gore, pool cue shot on Gore. Reno fetches a
football game pan and nails Gore. Gore taken to the middle rope,
Warrior nails Williams in the back, Williams has a barbed wire
bat! Warrior hits him in the back with it, then tears up his face
with it. Ewwww... Reno takes it away, DDT on Gore.
Williams is bleeding all over, Reno gets two on Warrior. Williams
suplexes Gore, Reno covers for two. Kendo shot on Warrior by
Williams, LOW BLOW kendo stick! Williams elbow on Gore gets
two. Warrior pounds on Reno, for some reason Williams hugs
Gore. Here comes a whip, Warrior whips Reno. Buttdrop by
Warrior on Reno gets two. Panshot Warrior, knee to the groin by
Williams, legdrop Warrior on Reno gets two. Reno whacks Warrior
with a kendo stick. Gore blocks a panshot and hits Williams for
two. Some of these shots are weak. Reno rides Warrior with
a whip around the neck. Williams dumps Gore out, Reno goes out
with the football game and nails him in the head. Willaims has a
guitar and misses his target on the post. Splash in the corner by
Warrior on Reno. Looked like a DDT on the floor by someone.
Flatliner Gore on Reno gets two. Williams with a chairshot on
Warrior. Oh here comes a table. Williams puts Warrior on
the table, Reno is on the mat, Gore calls for something, Warrior sneaks
up, Williams crashes through the table. Gore and Warrior argue,
Reno with a weak chairshot on Warrior gets the pin. Match was
just completely disorganized in the last half.
WINNER: Billy Reno & Dickie Williams pin -> 9:50 mins. ¼*
Dr. Gore apparently has switched sides, pulls off his mask showing his
face and leaves with Reno and Williams. Have no idea who he is.
Hardcore Match
Vampyr Kaval 6'0" 155lbs. Heart of Darkness vs. Jokaz 5'11" 165lbs.
Dark Carnival - Wow, another hardcore match. Kaval jumps him on
the outside, knee jam, panshot, toss in, Kaval chokes in the corner,
snap mare, kneeling bulldog, suplex, springboard moonsault, he takes
Jokaz to the corner for the ten punch count. Jokaz powerbombs him
though, punch off the second, cartwheel forearm, monkey flip, Juvy
Driver, he fetches a sign, SIGNSHOT! F5 is countered by Kaval
into the sign. Knee off the second rope into the sign
Kaval. Reverse DDT gets two. He fetches a chair, chairshot,
chair face stomp Kaval, jawbreaker. Kaval puts the chair in the
corner, monkey flip, BRAINBUSTER, springboard moonsault gets two.
Inverted neckbreaker Kaval, LOW BLOW Jokaz. Puts him in the tree
of woe, choke, hangman's inverted DDT, choke, cover gets two.
Jokaz chairshots, Kaval LOW BLOW. Jawbreaker knee Kaval, Kaval is
bleeding. Chairshot Kaval, second rope stunner Kaval, front
suplex Kaval. Jokaz gets dumped outside, Kaval has a BAG OF
TACKS!!! Oh geez, why do people use these things in a
match? He dumps the bag in the football game pan, then tries to
bulldog Jokaz into them but he throws him off into the tacks!
Owwwwww. Somebody get a broom! Jokaz fetches a barbed wire
kendo stick! Kendo shot to the back, he grinds the stick in his
face! They fight in front of me and I scoot back. Toss back
in, Jokaz pickup back body drop Kaval, barbed wire kendo shots, Kaval
behind the back shoulderbreaker for two. Kaval side slam into the
chair for one. Knee jam Kaval, chairshot, behind the back
PILEDRIVER pins him! Jokaz is now bleeding.
WINNER: Vampyr Kaval pin -> 15:50 mins. ***¼
They go to intermission.
Table Match
Chuck Diamond 5'8" 172lbs. Insane Asylum vs. Gavin Alexander 5'11"
275lbs. Atlantic City, NJ - Chuck has a painted face and wearing a top
hat. Slap by Chuck, Gavin foream shot sends him outside, Gavin
puts Chuck against the post and wraps his arm around the post, but
Chuck moved. Chuck with lidshots, head to the post, pound on the
floor. Chuck tries a baseball slide but gets tangled in the
ropes. Gavin drops Chuck into the floor. Pumphandle into a
snake eyes Gavin, clothesline, fist to the head, choke, elbow, choke,
suplex, boot wipe. Gavin puts Chuck in the tree of woe, kendo
shot to the gut, shoulderblock. Gavin whip, Chuck with a hair
yank down. Drop toe hold Chuck into the rope, 619 AREA CODE
KICK! Gavin to the floor, Chuck pounds away, they get kendo
sticks and have a little sword fight, but they break the sticks.
Lidshot Chuck, toss in, Chuck gets a big round sign from the crowd that
is covered by paper and says for Chuck to use their sign. It's a
Railroad sign! Gavin is bleeding, Chuck whip rolling clothesline,
bulldog. Chuck fetches a chair, Chuck hits the Unprettier,
chairshot then kicks him out of the ring. Chuck charges to dive
on Gavin but eats a trashcan. Toss in, Unprettier is blocked,
spinebuster on the chair by Gavin. Gavin puts the table in the
ring, puts Chuck on it but the table falls over. Gavin puts the
table into the corner, ties Chuck on the rope with something and
chairshots him. Gavin unties him, puts Chuck against the table,
charge misses but the table didn't break on impact. Chuck stomps
away, DDT by Gavin, Chuck's on the table again, Gavin to the second
rope, Chuck jumps up and bulldogs Gavin through the table for the
win. Yowch.
WINNER: Chuck Diamond KO -> 14:10 mins. ***
8-Man Hardcore Submission Elimination Match
Well the rules of this match, to lose you must quit or the ref
determines you are knocked out. Start with two, then a wrestler
comes out every three minutes or so.
Chip Conway 6'1" 140lbs. Parts Unknown vs. Shamus McNelson 6'3" 357lbs.
Belfast, Ireland w/ Pat Mugroin - Oh boy Chip gets stuck wrestling the
biggest member of the other team. Lockup, rake Shamus,
slam. Chip slaps him, whip Shamus misses a charge, drop toe hold
Chip, side slam Shamus, Shamus fetches a chair. Machine Gun Tommy
is #3, but he's injured and thus forfeits. Chip chairshots,
Shamus blocks a shot with his hands. They exit the ring,
chairshot Chip, another just grazes him, flagpole shot Chip, canshot
Chip. Back in the ring, Shamus is bleeding, punches the chair
into Chip's face. Tommy comes out limping, chairshot on Shamus
who was climbing the ropes, headbutt to the groin by Chip, crossarm
breaker gets the submission and Shamus is gone at 6:25 minutes.
#4 is Nemesis. They fight outside, apron slam Nemesis, into the
stairs, canshot throwdown Nemesis. More canshots, whip into the
can by Nemesis, toss in, he sets up a chair, drop toe hold into the
chair. #5 is Mickey McNelson at 9 minutes. Mugroin tries to
pick a fight with me wielding that cane, I quickly pick him a chair as
an equalizer. Kneedrop Mickey, Nemesis takes a nap in the corner,
camel clutch Mickey, rolls backward with it, chair to the face
Nemesis. #6 is "The Iron Chef" Leo Lagossi! USA chants
rage. Nemesis grabs the American flag and wipes his butt and
spits on it. Chef stands on the neck of Chip. #7 is Kandi
Deluxe. Well he's early. Kandi pounds on all three men, he
dumps Mickey outside, he has a trash can and hits people with it.
Oh, Chip is out of the match, Mickey McNelson made him submit, so
that's why Kandi's out early. They're right in front of me!
Canshots on Chef and Nemesis, it's three on one! Mickey with a
suicide dive on Kandi Deluxe and Nemesis to the floor! Kandi does
another suicide dive on the heels! Mickey with a LOW BLOW on
Kandi. Pat Mugroin gets in a fan's face. Chef on the top
rope splashes onto Mickey, Nemesis and Kandi. #8 is Ace
Dorrity. Ace goes a leaping flip suicide dive onto the
pile! Yikes! Dorrity kicks away on the chef. I
finally get up and move not wanting a wrestler in my lap as two of them
are fighting behind me now. Dorrity with panshots, MuGroin mocks
me for moving. Nemesis sets up a table, Chef canshots on Dorrity,
Nemesis and Kandi are fighting behind my side, someone trips Mugroin,
Kandi KICK WHAM STUNNER on Nemesis. McNelson gets a powerslam on
Ace. Since everything's back in the ring now, I move back to my
seat. Mugroin mocks me some more. With a name like Mugroin
no wonder this guy is so cranky. Chef whip Dorrity tries the
stunner but gets NOTHING. Nemesis with the crusifix
powerbomb! Mickey has the million dollar dream on Kandi. A
Rubbermaid trash can is brought in the ring, Chef and Nemesis put Ace
inside. He fits perfectly in there. Chef and Nemesis lift
the trash can over the top rope and DROP THE TRASH CAN!!! HOLY
CRAP!!! The can landed sideways and Ace Dorrity hit his head
against the floor hard and he is bleeding bad from the side of the
head! There's no mats on the floor! I shout for a medic
along with the entire row. Jaxson Pride, Dickie Williams, Kaval
who came out before the match to watch rush over to Dorrity. Back
in the ring Nemesis quickly powerbombs Kandi, crippler crossface is
applied and he taps out.
WINNERS and SOLE SURVIVORS: Nemesis, "Iron Chef" Leo Lagossi, Mickey McNelson submission -> 21:10 mins. N/A
Oh boy, this is bad. For the next 15-20 minutes or so I'm
observing the scene from a distance outside and various fans coming out
make various comments on what happened or ask me what I saw as I had a
direct view of it. Ace has not lost consciousness. I notice
this show is over at like 9:10pm, a firetruck arrives first. A
wrestler cautions me not to be too critical of what I saw, I fully
understand. The ambulance finally gets here and Dorrity is loaded
up. Wrestlers head for the back, and the building is
cleared. The hardest thing about all this is seeing the kids in
tears over that incident. I head home, just depressed over seeing
Sunday morning, I was holding back on posting anything on the show by
request. Well someone calling himself "Glamourstuch" comes out
and starts accusing me of doing stuff after the incident. That I
was going around interviewing wrestlers and sneaking into the dressing
room, and called the attention to the Ace Dorrity injury to be an
"overreaction". Who the heck is THAT MORON and where does he get
his information? It's BS! When something scary like that
happens you can't leave anything to chance. The response to it
was correct, no matter what this guy says. As for what he claimed
I was doing, what a load of out-and-out horse crap! I'd like to
know who this nutjob is, cause that person who isn't disturbed in the
slightest over seeing injuries at wrestling events like that, they are
VERY heartless. Ace Dorrity did post a note saying he had ten
staples put on the back of his head, a bruised spinal bone, bruised
neck and elbow. Amazingly he plans to wrestle at the next
wrestling event at the end of November. So that was a relief to
The Verdict: Well I didn't expect the show to end the way it
did. I have no motivation to rate the main event cause it wasn't
supposed to end the way it did so at this time I'm not rendering a
verdict on this show. Excluding the main event, I think they've
gone way overboard on loading the show with hardcore matches without
much rhyme or reason to them it seems. The first half of the show
just wasn't any good, the second half was much better but since I'm not
gonna rate the main event we're not going to know where to put the
thumb tonight. Using floor mats on the outside is something a
wrestling organization should use, there is no good reason not to, and
this bad bump should send a message to anyone who thinks they aren't
necessary why they are.
Hung jury.