The Rap Sheet - from the Crimefighter
Video Review
Gravediggers: Driven by Rage
Decapitated Cat Productions
A rare video review of an indy DVD from me...
This is a complication video featuring the tag team known as the
Gravediggers, who recently came down from Chicago to wrestle a match in
New Midwest Wrestling. I decided to buy their complication video
and review the thing since I don't get to see much of any wrestling out
of Chicago. Best I can tell, all of these matches were held under
the Pro Championship Wrestling of Illinois banner.
A few notes before I go into the review, Lollipop is now known as Ami
Zane. Machine of the Gravediggers has recently announced that he
will retire once the remaining matches he has signed for are fulfilled,
citing a number of factors, some personal, some physical, and some
crititism levied at him from a tryout session that did not go well.
First thing I notice, there's no DVD menu with this so jumping from
where I left off is a bit more difficult. Also there's no label
on the DVD, it's just handwritten with a marker. Why? First
segment is the looping entrance video for Botch, so we'll move on.
Botch vs. Azrael - This is from a PCW show in Summit, IL. And
guess what, the commentary is played over the loudspeakers.
There's some sort of arguement in the ring then the lights go out and
Botch jumps in the ring. Gravediggers double chokeslam
Azrael. Azrael does some armdrags, into the ropes, Botch whip
flying forearm Azrael. Azrael whip, he slugs away, dropkick in
the corner. Flatliner Azrael, armbar, he goes to rope walk but
gets bodydropped off. Botch whip clothesline corner,
throwdown. Machine jumps in, Juvy driver Botch, senton
Machine. Ref appears to be completely deaf to the PA
system. Botch whip side slam gets two. Camel clutch Botch,
lets him go, whip belly to belly suplex gets two. Botch gets
cranky, puts Azrael on top, Azrael kicks him, bulldog off the
top. Azrael goes up, Botch back drop, Machine in, double team
facebuster, the referee is outside arguing and not hearing anything
from the PA, SPEAR MACHINE. Ref is thrown in, Botch powerbomb and
that's it. So RETARDED and STUPID that all this interference goes
on, the ref sees none, doesn't get a cue from the commentary team over
the loudspeakers that cheating's going on. Insult my intelligence
some more. Was flagged as a sign you were attending a bad indy
WINNER: Botch pin -> 5:30 mins. ½*
The Gravediggers - Botch & Machine vs. Safari Stu Early &
Egotistico Fantastico - Double whip double flying headscissors by Stu
& Ego, though the camera was out of position. Oh the
commentator's are over the PA system again. Stu suicide dive, Ego
suicide dive and everyone's in a heap on the floor. Ego & Stu
slug away, whip reverse double powerbombs. Ego gets dumped,
Machine works on Stu. Machine noggin-knock, clothesline on Stu
gets two. Machine chokes away, Botch knocks Ego, rolling
fisherman suplexes Machine, forward Russian legsweep. Double team
Boston Crab. Botch whip clothesline, whip clothesline, belly to
belly suplex gets two. Tag Machine, Juvy Driver Botch, running
senton Machine gets two. Rear chinlock Machine, pounds on the
back of the head. Machine torture rack, then drops him in a
reverse DVD for two. Machine whip tombstone position but Ego with
the missile dropkick gets two. Tag Ego, whip Stu flying
headscissors drop on Machine gets two. Ego works on the knee, tag
Stu, they work the knee. Stu goes up, flying back elbow gets
two. Tag Ego, double suplex, catapult legdrop double team gets
two. They chant "crotch", Ego springboard moonsault gets
two. Ego whip powerslam Machine. Tag Botch, he pounds on
Ego, tree of woe, he STANDS ON THE GROIN! Tag Machine, double
whip double chokeslam. Double teaming on Ego, Machine whip Ego
tries a flying headscissors but Machine blocks it, Ego reverse
DDT. Tag Stu, clotheslines are ineffective. Stu and Ego are
put against each other, double clothesline misses and they
collide. Stu and Ego hang on top of the Gravediggers. Ego
snap sunset gets two. Stu flying DDT like move that looked messed
up. Double whip, double clothesline Botch, Stu is dumped.
Botch puts Ego on his shoulders, drops him on his back, wheelbarrow
facebuster combo. Machine dumps Stu again, someone throw Stu back
in. Botch whip Machine spear. Double powerbomb,
Gravediggers go up, someone yanks them down, another tag team jumps in
the ring and does a double jawbreaker. Ego death valley driver
gets three. Referee once again is completely deaf to the
commentary team over the very loud public address system when they were
saying stuff was going on in the ring. Yeeeeaaaahhhh. Botch
admits he is oblivious to the commentators though.
WINNERS: Safari Stu Early & Egotistico Fantastico pin -> 15:05 mins. **¼
Grin & The Gravediggers - Botch & Machine vs. John Burke &
Chicago Connection - Chris Styles & Jarod Priest - There's rather a
large number of managers for each team around the ring. A woman
wearing a mask is the referee. The diggers charge Burke and flop
to the ground. Burke drops an elbow, armbar tag Priest, elbow off
the second on machine. Jarod kicks away, elbow gets two.
Tag Styles, double team kick and trip gets one. Tag Priest and he
chokes away, slam, tag Styles, Priest does a crappy rolling thunder
(which the PA commentators WRONGLY call a Samoan Drop), Styles
slingshows onto Machine for one. Styles whip double shot to the
chest by Machine. Tag Botch, Juvy Driver, running senton Machine
gets two. Botch puts Styles in his corner and taunts the other
team. Botch sits on Styles, tag Machine, powerbomb neckbreaker
combo, one foot cover gets two. Machine with rolling fisherman
suplexes, tag Botch, Boston Crab double armbar combo submission
hold. Tag Grin, everyone gets in the ring to pose for a
photo. Cute. Grin snap mare, legdrop, taunts the other
team, Grin slugs away, tag Botch, tag Machine, whip drop toe hold drop
kick combo. Machine suplex, sitdown clothesline gets two.
Grin in, whip rolling slam, vader bomb gets two. Grin suplex,
northern lights, side powerbomb gets one. Grin whip eats an
elbow, Styles springboard crossbody from the corner. Tag Priest,
tag Machine, neckbreaker Priest, he cleans house and ditches Botch and
Grin. Pedigree on Machine, tag Burke, double jawbreaker, BIG
SPLASH Burke wins it. Sloppy as heck.
WINNERS: John Burke & Chicago Connection - Chris Styles & Jarod Priest pin -> 8:55 mins. *¼
The losers jump back in the ring and slug everyone out of the ring,
Burke is stuck by himself in the ring as there's a fight on the
floor. Machine goes up top and splashes him off the top, Botch
senton bomb.
The Gravediggers - Machine & Botch vs. The Chicago Connection -
Jarod Priest & Chris Styles - Botch attacks Priest in the corner,
shoulderblock Botch, clothesline Priest, he kicks away. Powerslam
Priest, does some sort of handspring move and throws Botch out.
Styles throws him back in, too many bodies in the way. Weak
slugfest, trip, elbow Botch. Botch whip clothesline corner, whip
reverse bulldog Priest. CC choke away, Priest with a kick to the
gut. Headlock takedown Priest, whip knee, whip knee, whip knee,
Russian leg sweep, forward Russian leg sweep gets two. Priest
throws Botch in a corner, double team sunset flip. Tag Styles,
neck snap on the rope, slingshot senton gets two. Styles reverse
DDT gets two. Styles whip punches, dance, Machine with a
superkick, belly to belly suplex Botch. Machine fireman's carry
spin slam gets two. Machine whip clothesline gets two.
Botch nails Priest then works on Styles. Botch tree of woe then
STANDS on his GROIN! Tag Machine, Juvy Driver Botch, Machine
rolling senton, kick one foot cover gets two. Machine
neckbreaker, double team chokeslam on Styles gets two. Machine
slugs away in the corner, chops, double slap to the chest. Whip
Machine catches Styles, Styles escapes, legdrop over the top sends
Machine to the mat. Tag Priest, drops the knees, whip gutshot,
facebreaker gets one. Machine with a neckbreaker move that is
done like a jawbreaker, he kicks him. Tag Botch, double whip
double boot. Rope burn Botch, choke on the rope, he keeps nailing
Styles off. Botch whip side slam gets two. Tag Machine,
shot to the side, whip flying knee, choke. Machine whip reverse
spinebuster Priest, tags. Styles nails the GDs, double whip
double flapjack. CCs double jawbreaker on Machine gets two.
CCs pounds on the GDs, double whip do-se-do, double snakeeyes, GDs
double powerbombs win it.
WINNERS: The Gravediggers pin -> 14:05 mins. ***
PCW Tag Team Championship - Triple Threat
(c)Chicanos in Action - Damian & Diablo w/ Jim Jesus vs. The
Gravediggers - Machine & Botch w/ The Ringmaster & Lollipop vs.
The Legion of Doom - Hawk & Animal w/ Precious Paul Ellering -
Finally we're in a bigger building and have a wider shot. Alas, too
wide. This match took place in June of 2003, Hawk passed away in
November the same year. Well the fight is going on outside as the
LOD stands in the ring watching. Ringmaster gets in the ring to
get away from Ellering and the LOD chokeslam him then toss him out,
breaking his collarbone. Lollipop was dragged away by
Jillian. Botch and the guy with the 03 jersey that being Damian
are in first. Diablo is wearing a silver mask but it's hard to
tell cause it's a wide shot. He slugs away, tag, double team
legdrop side slam gets one. Diablo whip clothesline, DDT gets
two. Tag Damian, double whip double flapjack, double legdrop on
the legs and legdrop on the head gets two. Slam Damian, Diablo
with the whatsup drop gets two. Diablo whip reverse kick Machine,
stun gun Botch, teases a tag to Hawk and Animal gets in his face.
Gravediggers sitdown slam, rolling senton Machine, Machine slugs away,
whip spinebuster gets two. Big LOD chant, Hawk makes Damian move
away, tag Botch, powerbomb neckbreaker double team gets two.
Someone is setting up a table outside, tag Machine, he chokes away,
Animal comes in and slugs him. Machine teases a tag and gives him
the finger, Hawk tags himself in, CIA whips Hawk but gets double
clotheslined. Botch gets slammed by Animal, Hawk drops the fist,
Animal powerbomb, Hawk drops another fist, someone gets thrown thru a
table from hitting CIA's manager. Hawk knocks Machine off,
Doomsday Drive for Botch for the pin and the titles.
WINNERS and NEW CHAMPS: Legion of Doom pin -> 6:20 mins. *½
Chaotic match, not helped by the fact that the show this came was
running way late. The CIA set up another double table held up by
milk crates, then throw Machine through both of them. A week
later the LOD was stripped of the belts cause the wrong person was
pinned, which was a LIE looking at this tape. Why the heck did
they bother to put the tag straps on them in the first place?
Botch vs. Safari Stu Early - Botch lies in wait for Stu to come out to
attack, and Stu is waving something through the curtain, well it
doesn't work cause Botch attacks him outside and chokes him on the
floor. Botch pounds away, tries a powerbomb, Stu escapes and hits
a jawbreaker. Armdrag Stu, dropkick, clotheslines have no
effect. A third does take him down for two. Legdrop Stu
gets two. Rear chinlock Stu, drop kick to the back. Bulldog
Stu, he goes up, flying elbowdrop. Botch goes to the ropes, Stu
slides out and nails him. Stu sunset flip gets two. Stu
goes up to the top, but gets tripped. Botch suplexes him off the
top from the mat, choke with the knee. Botch knees him in the
corner, tree of woe and he stands on the crotch. Botch whip side
slam gets two. Full nelson Botch, then a half camel clutch, Botch
grabs the other arm and taps for him...haha. Botch tries another
powerbomb, but it's a hurraconranna for Stu. LOW BLOW Botch,
fireman's carry slam gets two. Leg choke Botch, whip foreman shot
Stu. Stu sits on the top rope, does a flying knee to the head and
gets three.
WINNER: Safari Stu Early pin -> 6:45 mins. *½
PCW Tag Team Championship Triple Threat Elimination
(c)Benton Bros. PJ & Weston vs. The Gravediggers - Machine &
Botch w/ Lollipop & Whiplash vs. Chicago Connection - Jay Phoenix
& Jarod Priest w/ Michelle Morgan & Samantha Hart - PJ is
wearing the shirt on the Benton team. We're back to PA system
commentary again. Well there's a big brawl to start, the 'Diggers
and the Bentons gang up on the Connection and beat the crap out of
them. Priest gets his back sat on by Weston, PJ kicks Phoenix
from the top. Now Botch and Phoenix are in the ring alone,
Machine off the ropes with a punch. Machine whip spinebuster gets
two. Machine pounds away, legdrop, tag PJ. Snap mare PJ,
drop kick. Michelle Morgan gets into it with Lollipop. Tag
Weston, whip elbow, PJ runs in to slug Priest. Diggers and
Bentons gang up on Jay, Botch gets two. Botch whip neckbreaker by
Phoenix, tag Priest. Priest whip DDT gets one, he chokes
away. Priest slams Botch's face to the mat. Botch slugs
away in the corner, but gets inverted atomic dropped. Priest side
suplex gets two. Priest whip spinebuster gets two. LOW BLOW
Botch, Priest is tossed out, fight on the floor, Whiplash and security
come over, Machine dives on them, then PJ dives on them, then Weston
goes up and dives on the pile. Lollipop gets in a fight with
Samantha Hart in the ring. Bentons and Botch have Priest in the
ring, PJ neckbreaker on Priest, Botch pulls him off and gets two.
PJ kicks Botch, Weston with a neckbreaker, PJ implant DDT on Priest and
Chicago Connection is eliminated.
Jay Phoenix & Jarod Priest, you ARE the weakest links...goodbye at 9:35 mins.
Machine goes after PJ, Botch has him in a choke, Machine chases off
someone with a chair. Botch whip elbow, snap mare, tag
Machine. Double whip casual BOOT gets two. Chokeslam
Machine, tag Botch, whip BOOT legdrop gets two. Lollipop chokes
PJ on the middle rope, Botch sits on him, whip belly to belly suplex
gets two. Botch whip slam, Weston was tagged, he gets an armdrag
off Botch's shoulders. Weston reverse DDT, moonsault off the
second gets two. Tag PJ, kickaway in the corner, suplex is
blocked, Botch tries it but gets DDT'ed. PJ goes up, missile
dropkick, whip reverse flying headscissors gets one. PJ with a
choke, tag Weston, he goes up, double legdrop PJ, splash Weston gets
two. Weston full nelson face plant, Russian leg sweep, elbowdrop
off the top gets one. Tag PJ, Botch meets him with a boot, Botch
tries a powerbomb, but his face hits the mat. Tag Weston, hot
shot Botch, tag Machine. Machine delayed suplex, legdrops, PJ
prevents a count. Botch in, puts Weston on his shoulders and
drops him backward. Double team X-Factor gets two. Tag
Machine, headbutt off the second rope. Machine does a cartwheel
then drops back on him. German suplex Machine, shoulderbreaker
gets two. Machine looks like he's going for the Razor's Edge but
drops him in a shoulderbreaker. Machine whip flying headscissors
Weston, DDT. Machine refuses to tag Botch, Machine KOs Weston,
Machine gets dropkicked off a chokeslam. Machine back on Weston,
puts him on top, Weston pushes him off, tornado DDT Weston, he goes up,
missile dropkick. Machine gets in Weston's face and slaps him,
shovedown, Weston tries another missile dropkick and gets swatted
off. Fisherman's suplex Machine, he goes up, Weston tries to
knock him off but fails, Weston tries to kick him off, hurraconranna
off the top by Weston. PJ and Botch get tagged, Botch blocks a
jawbreaker, PJ kick jawbreaker, powerslam Botch, PJ gets in Machine's
face, everyone's brawling, Botch kick powerbomb, he goes up, Machine
pulls him down and goes up instead, splash off the top gets
three. But Weston had the Texas Cloverleaf on Botch and he
tapped. Oh dear, the legal men were the ones beaten and the
illegal men got the covers. Ref didn't see the tap out.
WINNERS and NEW CHAMPS: The Gravediggers pin -> 26:55 mins. ***½
The locker room comes out and congrats Machine only, then some spat
ensues and everyone starts beating on Botch. Machine gets a
chair, Lollipop begs him not to hit him. Machine then clocks
everyone else but Botch. Errr...what was THAT all about?
PCW Tag Team Championship
(c)The Gravediggers - Machine & Botch w/ Lollipop & Whiplash
vs. Ladies Night Out - Boy Toy Bryan & Mark Madison - We have PA
commentary again. Diggers in the ring, double dropkick by LNO,
they take the belts and show off. Diggers single out Boy Toy, rolling
senton Machine. Snap mare, springboard kick Machine. Tag
Botch, neckbreaker powerbomb combo gets two. Clothesline Botch,
whip belly to belly suplex gets two. Tag Machine, fireman's
carry, Botch elbow off the top gets two. Machine whip spinebuster
gets two. Tag Botch, whip spear Machine gets two. Botch
whip elbow Bryan, springboard moonsault, tag Madison. Double whip
double armdrag gets two. Reverse DDT Botch gets two.
Northern Lights suplex Madison, tag Bryan, whip fireman's carry
spinning neckbreaker, legdrop gets two. Bryan whip clothesline,
dropkicks Machine off. Bryan slingshots Botch out. Machine
fights Madison on the floor, Botch hurls Madison into the crowd.
Bryan on top and suicide dives on the pile of people. Botch and
Madison brawl in the crowd, Bryan slingshots himself onto Machine's
neck on the apron. Whiplash gets taken out by Botch by mistake,
Machine hurls Mark in Bryan in the chairs. Mark tries to slug
Lollipop, but gets a flying headscissors on him. Bryan with a DDT
into the floor on Machine. Bryan moonsaults onto Machine on the
floor. Botch and Mark are into another section of the
crowd. Machine splashes Bryan on the floor, Botch hits him with a
belt, then handcuff him to the bottom rope. Machine pounds on
Mark, Madison gets the spinebuster. Belly to belly suplex Mark,
Botch comes in, legdrop to stop the cover. Diggers double
powerbomb, Machine goes up, splash off the top, Botch senton bomb and
gets three.
WINNERS and STILL CHAMPS: The Gravediggers pin -> 12:15 mins. **½
At the end of the DVD we get a Misfits video titled Scream, which
cannibals brought in as patients suddenly attack doctors in a hospital
in gorey fashion. What that has to do with wrestling is beyond me
but ick!
The Verdict: Didn't seem to be anything real special about this
tape in terms of wrestling action. I guess it's good for
familiarizing yourself with some of the Chicago talent and seeing one
of LOD's final matches but I can't recommend this to everyone.