The Rap Sheet - from the Crimefighter
Special Streaming Video Edition #16
And the year is beginning to wind down. This time I was supposed to look at some matches from, but I got a bunch of new stuff from ICW who opted to go back to all free streaming videos again and has put up a dozen of their prior internet broadcasts. It's back to videos I can download and watch from my hard drive for now.
Independent Championship Wrestling out of North Carolina
Mean Marc Ash vs. C.R. Smooth
Nause vs. Mike Youngblood
Mean Marc Ash vs. Pitbull Steve Locke
C.R. Smooth vs. Engima
Mean Marc Ash vs. Flex Phenom
TNT vs. Natasha vs. PMS
Lotus vs. Hang Time vs. Tre-G
Cold Cash D vs. Lou Allure
Mean Marc Ash vs. Viper
American Independent Wrestling Alliance out of California
Unknown Team #1 vs. Unknown Team #2
Atlantic Coast Championship Wrestling out of South Carolina
Cold Cash D vs. Lou Allure
All these videos were put together by ICW, with a couple bouts thrown in by other feds in their net broadcasts. Starting off with ICWShow21 at
Mean Marc Ash vs. C.R. Smooth - Unfortunately we're stuck with a wide shot of the whole match. There's a trading of heckling comments between the wrestlers, Ash is wearing the long pants that were referred to as "clown pants" while Smooth is wearing the black tights. Ash attacks before the bell, whip reverse shoulderblock. Hip toss Smooth, arm drag, drop kick, Ash bails. That ring is stuck between two columns and that ceiling is LOW. We got quite a bit of stalling here. Lockup, hip toss Smooth, slugaway, chops, whip to the corner clothesline, cover gets one. Eyepoke Ash, he beats him down. Chop Ash, Smooth chops back, another rake. Snap mare Ash, elbow, rear chinlock. Ash whip clotheslines miss, a third connect but they're both down. Smooth suplex gets two. LOW BLOW ASH! Ash makes a wish and stomps him low. Smooth can't stand up, Ash with a powerslam gets two. LOW BLOW Smooth, whip kick DDT gets two. Legdrop Smooth, elbows on the knee, figure four, Ash's manager is on the apron but he's tapping like crazy. Ref misses the tapout, Ash gets out of it, Smooth works the leg some more, Smooth on the second rope and does a flying legdrop for two. Ash has a weapon and whacks Smooth with it but it's no DQ??? He only gets two from it. Ash with a side slam, Smooth back up and gets a half crab. Ash is tapping again but the ref misses it. Smooth puts on a step over toe hold, Ash rakes him again. Clothesline Ash, knee drop getw two. Butterfly suplex Ash, side elbow. Smooth whip kick to the midsection gets two. Smooth whip side elbow, elbowdrops gets two. Running senton by Smooth gets two. Inverted atomic drop Ash, chop, kick, punches, facebreaker on the knee. Ash belly to belly side suplex gets two. Ash continues the beatdown, cover for two. Ash whip flying crossbody Smooth gets two. Smooth whip side slam gets two. Ash puts Smooth outside, ram to the column, fight outside. Smooth back in, tries to baseball slide Dr. Tom but misses. Ash with a chairshot, toss in, FAMEASSER gets three! Match was a bit too long, the three minute stall didn't help matters.
WINNER: Mean Marc Ash pin -> 18 mins. **
We jump to another match in already in progress, but the participants are not named. Discussion between Ash and the other guy is stuck on Ash vs. Viper and they aren't acknowledging the match in the ring for the most part.
Unknown Team #1- Name unknown white mask and black tights, Name Unknown in yellow tights vs. Unknown Team #2 Man in Blue/Silver, Man in black mask blue/black tights w/ Desperado Mark Kissell - I dunno WHY they just threw this match in there with no explanation, I mean it makes my task harder. This match is joined in progress from some nameless fed in California that they don't mention, I get later that it's from the now defunct American Independent Wrestling Alliance but emails to California yield nothing on the names. Two guys, a guy in yellow is tossed in the ring, a man in blue and silver is on the top rope. Flying punch from the top sends the yellow guy out. Suplex by the silver/blue man gets two. Guy in yellow gets a rollup gets two. Guy in yellow slugs away on the silver/blue panted man for two. Whip into a boot in the corner, tag the white masked guy, he chops away. Choke hold by the white masked man, he takes him to his own corner to tag to the black/blue masked man. Whip clothesline by the white masked man. Whip another clothesline, tag yellow guy, whip forearm. The manager from the outside comes in and holds the yellow man up for the blue/black masked man to hit and he knocks the cowboy out. Guy in yellow has the blue silver man in, whip elbow. Guy in yellow goes up, tries an axe but gets nailed in the gut. Blue/silver panted man with a slam gets two, slam tag masked black/blue man. It's a double team guided senton flip gets the win. Match was unimpressive and dunno why it was included on the show if Big Bubba D and Marc Ash weren't paying attention to it. Guess they needed filler to show while doing a live interview with the mean one. *shrug*
WINNERS: Unknown Team #2 pin -> 6:10 minutes shown. *
Going to ICWShow22, only one match on this show, buffered by ads of a past show.
Nause vs. Mike Youngblood - Nause attacks immeadiately and doesn't let him in the ring, clothesline Nause. Youngblood slugs him with something, suplex, and he tosses him out. Youngblood goes out and fetches a chair, chairshots on the back. Nause ducks another chairshot attempt and steals the chair to blast him with it a few times. Toss back in the ring and the chair, whip boot to the head. Youngblood with a headscissors, crossarm breaker maybe. Youngblood puts the chair on Nause's face and stomps on it. He throws the chair on Nause, this a hardcore match? Powerbomb by Youngblood, STF variation, then a kneedrop. Big chop by Youngblood, whip boot. Youngblood on top, flying elbow all the way across the ring gets two. Wish they'd zoom in with the camera. Youngblood with a DDT and goes outside to fetch a table. The table is set up, he bounces Nause's head into the table, puts him on top, climbs the ropes, LEGDROP THRU THE TABLE! Youngblood with a slam, puts a table chunk on Nause, drops an elbow. Youngblood does something to Nause, course we can't see it, choke or jamming of something. Marc Ash says he's not aware it's a No-DQ match. Suplex by Nause out of nowhere getting two. Another slugdown gets two. Nause drops a knee on the leg, yanks it, then jams it. Youngblood is up, whip by Nause clothesline in the corner. Another whip but Nause eats a boot, Youngblood gets two out of it. Bootrake by Youngblood, version of the Indian deathlock and we get a tapout. Not good.
WINNER: Mike Youngblood submission -> 10:55 mins. *
Going on to ICWShow23.
Mean Marc Ash w/ Dr. Tom Rosh vs. Pitbull Steve Locke - Pitbull with a trip takedown, Ash reverses it with a hammerlock, reversed LOW BLOW Ash. Pitbull is put on the bottom rope for Dr. Tom to choke him. Snap mare and chinlock by Ash. Pitbull slugs away, chops away, rake by Ash. Ash makes a wish and drops a knee. Ash with a chop, whip and Ash charges but gets the post. Pitbull stomps away, suplex gets two. Legdrops by Pitbull, headbutts on the shoulder, whip drops his head and gets kicked. Ash works on a leg, then drags him to the post for a standing figure four. Ash back in, whip sunset flip by Pitbull gets two. He slugs and kicks away, then yanks him out of the corner. Elbows to the back cover gets two. Pitbull gets kneelifted down by Ash and goes back to work on that leg, puts him on the top rope, Ash goes up for a superplex and hits one but only gets two out of it. Ash goes up again, "Whisper in the Wind" misses. Pitbull gets Ash up, hits the Styles Clash but Dr. Tom has the ref tied up. Ash has a pan and creams Pitbull, fameasser follows and it's over. Bleh. What's with these wide shots anyway?
WINNER: "Mean" Marc Ash pin -> 10:50 mins. *
CR Smooth vs. Engima - Smooth goes after the opposition right away in the crowd and of course we can't see any of it cause that camera doesn't move. CR is tossed in, Engima whip to the corner, and clothesline. Some kid gets in the way of the camera. Slugaway in the corner, DDT by Engima who's in red. Slam by Engima, legdrop gets two. CR gets a suplex and gets one. CR whip high knee gets two. Rear headlock by CR, DDT gets two. CR stomps away and kicks him outside. Fight outside, toss in Engima nails him and chokes away. Sunset flip for CR gets one. CR yanks him off the ropes, then gets a step-over toehold, figure four but he gets the ropes. CR works on the leg some more, camera goes out, Engima has the advantage again, CR with a snap mare, Engima with a trip and works on the leg. Man not great video quality, suplex by Engima gets two. Engima slugs away on the mat, to the corner, CR whip superkick. CR goes up, flying elbow gets three. Boring match, not helped by video problems.
WINNER: CR Smooth pin -> 6:30 mins. ½*
Now going to ICWShow24.
ICW Heavyweight Championship
(c)"Mean" Marc Ash w/ Dr. Tom Rosh vs. Flex Phenom - Ash says something on the mike but the commentary team talk over it. Lockup, trading of hammerlocks, shoveoff shoulderblock by Ash, hip toss Flex, drop kick Flex sends Ash out. Ash with a choke on the ropes, side slam gets two. Rake by Ash, suplex, Ash pulls the shirt off. Ash with a whip, clothesline Flex. Flex slugs away, puts him up on top, hurraconranna off the top gets two. Ash with a clothesline, legdrop gets two. Elbow Flex, face slam, he goes up, moonsault MISSES! Ash with a stomp, chop, whip shoulderblock gets two. Ash puts Flex on the ropes for Dr. Tom to choke him. Whip to the corner, Ash eats a boot, Flex has a chair! He nails him with the plastic chair, no DQ??? And the ref counts it! But it's only two! Drop kick Flex, Flex slugs away in the corner, goes out for a metal chair, puts it against Ash's face on the top rope and drop kicks it. Cover gets only two. Flex for a suplex, goes up, frogsplash misses! Ash is back up, chokes him with a boot. Ash whip sunset flip by Flex gets two. Ash nails him in the nail, chinlock, sits on him, rear chinlock, Ash off the ropes and misses an elbow. Flex goes up again, flying neckbreaker but Dr. Tom hops on the apron, ref gets him off, Flex goes for a Boston crab, Dr. Tom in and whacks him with his cane. Ash covers him and pins him. Geez, they never stated it was no-DQ. Flex argues with the ref, then POWERBOMBS him. Yeah he definately asked for it.
WINNER and STILL CHAMP: "Mean" Marc Ash pin -> 10 mins. **½
Triple-Threat Women's Match
TNT vs. Natasha vs. PMS - And something about this video that's UNACCEPTABLE is that they have for the ENTIRE match, the graphic stays on! Come on, did anyone watch the finished product before putting it out? Lazy proofing that is. TNT is apparently the blonde woman and the women's champion. Natasha attacks from behind, double team clothesline. Suplex and a toss out of TNT. PMS nails Natasha, suplex, whip clothesline. Natasha takes PMS down, then goes after TNT. DDT by Natasha gets two on TNT, then she pushes her outside. Natasha chops away on PMS, whip clothesline. PMS with a side slam, whip another side slam. TNT is no where to be seen. Natasha hits a DDT off a whip, another whip boot to the midsection. Snap mare by Natasha, hair yanking. Fight in the corner, whip slam by PMS gets two. Bleh, that graphic. A MAN named Body Count gets in the ring and side slams PMS and Natasha wins it. NOW the graphic goes off! Hardly a triple-threat the majority of the match.
WINNER: Natasha pin -> 6:05 mins. *
ICWShow25 contains only one match that I have already reviewed, Mean Marc Ash vs. Felon Lex Reed, and they misspelled it on the graphic using Felson. So we jump to the last one I have, ICWShow31. Don Brower leads off telling us all what we're gonna see on this program, sound is bouncing off the walls making it hard to hear him clearly. Graphic of Ivon Koloff is shown. The announcers are Don Brower and Matt Roberts.
Triple Threat Match
Lotus vs. Hang Time vs. Tre-G - Hang time is in the basketball jersey, Lotus wears orange, and Tre-G is in lime green. Lotus and Hang Time lockup while Tre-G is dancing around, they stop and look at him, then start a mock dance. Hang Time and Lotus attack Tre-G, double whip elbow Lotus, legdrop Hang Time gets one. Tre-G leaves the ring, the two men give chase, Tre-G in and attacks both men on the way back in. Hip toss on Hang Time, hip toss on Lotus, Tre-G whip clothesline on Hang Time, then on Lotus. Knees by Tre-G and he goes dancing. Lotus and Hang Time back up and start slugging away on Tre-G, Hang Time gets two off a cover. Double whip double clothesline, Lotus covers and gets two. Tre-G nails both men low, choke on Hang Time, choke on Lotus. Clothesline Hang time gets two and Lotus decides to break it up. Hang Time whips Lotus and hip tosses him. Hang Time gets nailed in the gut by Tre-G, DDT gets two. Lotus back in with a backbreaker on Tre-G and gets two. Hang Time slams Lotus, slugs away on Tre-G, whip splash, neck snap off the middle rope. Lotus nails Hang Time, inverted atomic drop, clothesline gets two. Lotus with a sleeper on Tre-G into a neckbreaker on the knee. Hang Time nails Lotus, puts him on top, he goes up, cover gets two, Hang Time with a top rope elbow on Tre-G. Lotus hits Hang Time, Juvy Driver gets three!
WINNER: Lotus pin -> 6:10 mins. **¾
Cold Cash D vs. Lou Allure - We are at an ACCW show now. Lockup shove by D. Lockup headlock, hammer D, reversals, arm wringer D, Lou with a reverse. D shove and shoulderblock sends Lou down. Lou runs the ropes, spin kick, does the ten punch count on D in the corner. Lou with a whip but D gets a neckbreaker for two. D chokes away on the mat, whip sunset flip Lou gets blocked for two, turns it for two. Clothesline D, he's posing a lot, whip D clothesline misses, Lou slugs away, charges and gets back dropped outside. Suicide dive by D on Allure. Apron smash, toss in, D chokes in the corner, whip charge D eats a boot, but D gets a powerslam off a charge. D sets him up for a powerbomb, but loses him and gets sunset flipped for three.
WINNER: Lou Allure pin -> 5:10 mins. *½
ICW Heavyweight Championship - Loser Leaves Town
(c)Mean Marc Ash w/ Ivan Koloff vs. Viper - Ash attacks him from behind, whip flying clothesline Viper. Viper nails Ash on the chest. Ash sneaks back in while Viper poses and rolls him up for one. Ash beats him in the corner, suplex, one foot cover gets two. Ash legdrop gets two. Viper takes over and axes him down, chops in the corner. Uppercut, whip clothesline Viper, legdrop gets one. Viper drops the leg again for one. Eye poke, punches away, Ash sneaks in a LOW BLOW. Ash DDT, goes up to the second rope and drops an elbow. He chokes away with the leg, Viper slugs away, then gets tied up with Koloff for Ash to attack. Ash whip eats a boot from Viper, headbutt to the midsection. Ivan chokes Viper on the apron, Ash short-arm clothesline gets two. Pickup to the corner, Ash charges and Viper moves away. Viper chops away, has the chain and wraps it around his neck. Viper backs up, then stomps away, DDT gets two. Viper with a slam, elbow gets two. Ash with a rake, kick, flatliner! Ash sets him up for something, oh it's the People's Elbow! Ash goes for a pedigree, but Viper backdrops him. Viper with a standing clothesline, rear chinlock. Viper with a powerbomb gets two. Viper goes back to the rear chinlock, Ash rakes his face to get out. Ash goes outside to fetch a chair, Ivan distracts the ref, Viper gets blasted with it. Ash whip reverse into a bearhug, then a belly to belly catching the ref. Ivan's up on the apron, gets the chain, Ash whip to the corner, Viper gets blasted with it. Ash goes to cover and gets three!
WINNER and STILL CHAMP: Mean Marc Ash pin -> 13:55 mins. **½
Man, that was a lot of matches to review...ten of them in all. And that will be it for this edition of the rap sheet. Next time, we take a look at female wrestler Cheerleader Melissa from