The Rap Sheet - from the Crimefighter
Special Streaming Video Edition #27
Whew...been so long since I've done one of these...
This rap sheet is posted in and the
dossier of all the rap sheets is at
I've decided to go back to to look at
matches since it's been so long since I've done it. So today's
World Power Wrestling out of California
Lil'Cholo vs. Steve Pain
Revolution Pro out of California
Disco Machine & Chris Bosh vs. Phoenix Star & Quick Silver
Super Dragon vs. Scorpio Sky
Quick Silver & Scorpio Sky vs. Rising Son & Chris Bosh
Ronin & Charles Mercury vs. Johnny Paradise & Human Tornado
Scorpio Sky vs. Quick Silver
10 Man Battle Royal
Starting off we have an entry from a new fed I haven't watched before,
World Power Wrestling based out of California. Got some long ones
Lil'Cholo vs. Steve Pain - The commentary is all in Spanish. Pain
with a couple of takedowns, but Cholo monkey flips him. Lockup
again, Cholo waistlock, armbar Pain, Cholo hooks his head and gets
two. Pain rollup gets one. Lockup, armbar Pain,
Cholo flips over and armdrags Pain. Pain for some reason fetches
a mirror to look at himself then breaks the thing on the floor.
Dueling chants by the commentator over the PA system. Pain gets a
headlock, shoveoff, shoulderblock gets nothing. Cholo springboard
armdrag, another armdrag sends Pain out. Cholo follows, tackle
misses, whip reverse Pain hits the rail. Cholo gets backdropped
over it, Pain is rammed into the rail, Cholo takes a walk a good
distance, then charges. Cholo jumps the rail but Pain catches him
and rams him in the rail. Pain toss in, armbar northern lights,
Cholo blocks a third but gets hit with a side suplex instead for
two. Pain whip Polish hammer, legdrop gets two. Turnbuckle
smash, Pain kicks away, snap mare, rear chinlock. Cholo elbows
out, Pain gets the headlock, German suplex Cholo. Cholo
clotheslines, Pain whip reverse Cholo Japanese armdrag gets two.
Cholo northern lights with a bridge gets two. Pain with a
northern lights and bridge gets two. Pain DDT gets two.
Cholo reverses a move and hits a dropkick, Pain almost goes out very
awkwardly. Cholo suicide hurraconranna on the floor. Cholo
toss in, gets two. Cholo gut wrench suplex gets two. Cholo
charges Pain gets him with a form of a suplex into the ropes that gets
two. Pain puts Cholo on top, Pain tries a hurraconranna but Cholo
lands on his feet! Pain sunset flip gets a dropkick for Cholo and
two. Cholo slugs away, Pain with a diamond cutter gets two.
Cholo is put on top again, Pain tries a diamond cutter off the top rope
but is blocked! Cholo dive is met with a powerbomb for two.
Pain whip bulldog blocked, Cholo gets a victory roll and wins it.
Okay this was a decent enough match.
WINNER: Lil Cholo pin -> 12:30 mins. ***
Moving on, I'm going to clear out the rest of the material I haven't seen from Revolution Pro out of California.
Disco Machine 191lbs. "Studio 54" & "Photogentic" Chris Bosh
190lbs. Beverly Hills, CA vs. Phoenix Star 171lbs. Mexico & Quick
Silver 168lbs. San Diego, CA - Lockup, trading of the armbars and
headlocks, Disco yanks him down and elbows him, suplex gets one.
Disco wants the strength test, PS gets the drop toe hold, Disco chops
him the corner, whip PS tries the double hop springboard armdrag but
Disco blocks it and gets the Northern Lights for two. Tag the
corners, Bosh shoves QS off. Lockup, Bosh takedown, armtrap cover
gets one. Takedown Bosh, PS gets a sunset flip for one. QS
whip reverse QS gets a rollup off a Bosh leapfrog for two. ROCK
BOTTOM Bosh, tag Disco. Small package Disco gets two, and he
holds it in for a submission hold of sorts! Disco slap, whip QS
gets a flying headscissors. Bosh in, QS gets a Silver Rush hold,
but Bosh reverses it into a backbreaker and dumps him out. Disco
hits QS with a magazine, the commentators CUSS, toss in, Disco stands
on QS. Disco whip QS move blocked, half crab Disco, commentators
call it raping his leg, tag Bosh, double whip double hot shot.
Double fist drops. Bosh whip QS wheelbarrow sunset flip gets
two. Bosh bites him, tag Disco, he goes for the mask. Disco
whip back elbow, tag. Disco snap suplex, elbow Bosh, whip reverse
QS runs over him. Flying headscissors QS, tag PS drop kick,
hurraconranna, nice armdrag. Disco gets a suplex however, whip
missile dropkick PS. Bosh goes flying out, suicide dive QS,
springboard suicide 450 PS. Bosh and Disco get up and charge at
them, back drops into the crowd! I hate it when they do
that. Disco tossed in, whip spinning heel kick. Silver
spike QS gets two. Disco slugs away, ROCK BOTTOM BACKBREAKER gets
two. PS in, inverted death valley driver gets two. Bosh in,
side suplex. QS on top, bulldog attempt is met with a backbreaker
by Bosh. Bosh goes up, QS nails him, SPINEBUSTER off the
top! Commentators cuss like crazy, two count. PS with an
inverted Juvy driver, he goes up, 450 splash gets the KNEES!
Disco gets two off that. Bosh ties a leg up on PS for Disco to
kick him, German suplex gets two. QS tries a backdrop but gets
DDT'ed. Whip double team PS is back dropped into a Impaler DDT
and it's over! Yow. After match interview, Bosh says the
crowd told him to do sit-ups, he don't need to. Disco says
they're top talent in California. They melded and make a star
WINNERS: Disco Machine & Chris Bosh pin -> 16:45 mins. ****½
Rev Pro Jr. Heavyweight Championship
(c)Super Dragon 200lbs. Orange County, CA vs. Scorpio Sky 170lbs. Los
Angeles, CA - Scorp is in the black and gold, Dragon has orange and
black. This match is from August 2003. Quick sequence to
start, armdrags while holding the tie-up, Sky dropkicks the knee.
Armbars, Sky headscissors him, mat wrestling, Dragon camel clutch into
a rollup gets two, crossed-leg nelson of the neck by Dragon, Sky gets a
double arm stretch. Sky snap mare, rollup gets two, he gets the
crippler crossface. Sky chops, whip Dragon counters, front face
lock. Armwringer Sky rollup into the ropes gets one, Dragon
counters another rollup for two. Sky dropkicks Dragon out of the
ring, suicide senton over the top into the crowd goes Sky! Dang I
hate having wrestlers in my lap. Sky rolls him in for two.
Whip dropkick Sky gets two. Dragon counters a move into a Fujiwa
armbar submission. Dragon turns it loose and kicks away.
Dragon snap mare, kick, scissors the head on the mat. Slaps by
Dragon, Sky goes outside, and gets kicked coming back in. Dragon
with a double stomp, knees, figure four, Dragon grabs him by the mask
and kicks him repeatedly, Sky makes the ropes and goes outside.
Dragon puts him in a version of a surfboard, but kicks his head
down. Dragon blocks a headscissors attempt, gets an ankle lock
leg scissors. They slug it out on the mat, Dragon kicks him
out. Commentary team won't stop cussing. Dragon puts on the
crossed-leg nelson again. Sky gets the rope, whip toss crash
Dragon gets two. Sky out of nowhere gets the triangle choke, but
Dragon reverses it into the STF. Dragon whip hurraconranna Sky
gets two, Sky belly to belly suplex. Sky whip fireman's carry
into a face breaker. Drop kick Sky, whip corner, he runs up
Dragon, slingshot dropkick that barely catches Dragon's legs. Sky
goes up, missile dropkick gets two. Sky goes for the inverted
spinning neckbreaker, Dragon blocks it and puts on an armbar and
scissors the head. Dragon goes for a full-nelson suplex, but
settles for two german suplexes getting two. Dragon waits, Sky
reverses a move for an inverted DDT into a backbreaker getting
two. Sky puts Dragon on top, Sky tries the hurraconranna but
Dragon hangs on, dropkick Sky, puts him up again, Sky gets the
hurraconranna this time for two. Sky puts Dragon in the tree of
woe, tries a move on him but Dragon kicks him instead. Dragon
dropkick, he goes outside, springboard spinwheel kick gets two.
Dragon goes up, senton without the flip gets two. Dragon puts Sky
on top, hurraconranna gets two. Dragon gets a chair, ref takes
it, Dragon slugs him out of the ring. Dragon chops away and mauls
Sky. Snap mare, kicks Dragon. Taro runs in and DDTs
Dragon. Taro holds a chair in front of his face, Sky kicks the
chair into Dragon. Taro puts the ref back in the ring, ref counts
a slow two. Sky puts something in his mask, Taro tosses the chair
but Dragon intercepts it, throws it at Taro, lariets Sky and gets a
slow two. Dragon goes up, gets crotched, reverse DDT backbreaker
off the top Sky, Sky goes up, Phoenix splash Sky wins it!
Commentators are screaming every curse word in celebration.
WINNER and NEW CHAMP: Scorpio Sky pin -> 28:35 mins. ****¾
Dragon lays the belt down in front of Sky but baseball slides Taro then
inverted DVD's him on a chair. Dragon beats up a referee and
leaves. Taro has to be carried out on a stretcher. Rising
Son jumps in the ring and smashes a chair into Sky, wrestlers from the
back chase him off.
Aerial Express - Quick Silver 174lbs. San Diego, CA & Scorpio Sky
172lbs. City of Angels vs. Rising Son 190lbs. Orange County, CA &
"Photogenic" Chris Bosh 190lbs. Beverly Hills, CA w/ Disco Machine -
Bosh throws water at a fan. Disco brings a chair to the
ring. Bosh runs his mouth about his attitude change being all
business, he thanks Disco and Rising Son for all they've done for
him. The AE comes in with Santa hats. Sky is the Jr.
Heavyweight champ. Bosh runs his mouth again about being in
someone's shadow. Quick and Bosh start, mat wrestling to start,
Quick with a martial arts armbar takedown, crossarm breaker, Bosh whip,
Quick sunset gets two, trading of pin covers. Rising and Sky tag
in. Rising slugs away, whip reverse shoulderblock, drop kick
Rising, Quick slugs away, whip backbreaker blocking headscissor
attempts. Tag Quick, chops in the corner, whip back kick, Quick
whip Rising drop kick. Tag Bosh, whip wheelbarrow, Sky with a
kick to the head. Bosh armdrag, whip Sky swings around his body
and finally takes him down. Sky & Quick toss splash double
team and the heels bail and head to the back. Quick & Sky go
after them and carry them back to the ring. Drop toe hold,
legdrop, drop kick double team on Rising. Bosh gets a rollup but
gets drop kicked off the top for two. Bosh German suplex that
smashes Sky on his head for two. Snap mare, hammerlock-rear
chinlock combo hold by Bosh. Tag Rising, drop kick to the back of
the head gets two. Rising holds Sky for Bosh to punch him,
frontal armbar, tag Bosh. Snap mare, drop kick, uppercut, whip
backbreaker Bosh. Bosh whip drop kick Rising gets two.
Rising goes up, swanton bomb gets KNEES! Ouch. Sitout
spinebuster Sky. Tag Quick, flying headscissors on Bosh, monkey
flip on Rising, Bosh whip spinebuster Quick. RS hard clothesline,
commentators cuss up a storm. Sharpshooter by RS, Sky breaks it
up with a inverted short-arm clothesline. Sky inverted
hurraconranna on Bosh, Rising Son does the same to Sky. QS and RS
fight, Boston crab on the TOP ROPE by RS, Disco with a chairshot on QS,
Sky runs over to his partner and the EMTs come out. Sky yanks RS
out, Bosh whip back jump hurranconranna. Back body drop Sky sends
Bosh on RS. Suicide top rope splash on the pile of heels.
Sky tosses in Bosh for two. Double team powerbomb by the heels
get two. RS goes up, Rock Bottom Bosh, Swanton Bomb only gets
TWO! Bosh backbreaker, kneedrop from the top rope RS, ref checks
on RS faking an knee injury, Disco throws the chair in, suplex into a
PILEDRIVER on the chair by Bosh and that ends it!
WINNERS: Chris Bosh & Rising Son pin -> 14:20 mins. ****½
10 Man Battle Royal
Rules of this match, you eliminate six guys and the last four have a
tag match later. Okay we have -- Big E. Biggz (black jersey),
Cain Fuji (white with streamers), Johnny Paradise (black tights with
stars on sides), Big Tony (wearing H shirt and pants), Chris Caz (black
& silver), Ronin (red), Charles Mercury (purple, black and silver),
Abugen (? black with ying-yangs), Cyanide(black with skull on tights)
and Human Tornado (black t-shirt, white turtleneck), coming out to the
ring in that order. Tornado seems to be the most popular of the
bunch with fans chanting his name. 4:05 Match starts and
everyone goes at it. Abugen attacks Tornado. Mercury
headbutts Tony. Cyanide tries to slam Biggs, Biggs fights
back. Ronin gets a version of the figure four on Paradise, Fuji
gets a sleeper on him, Tony puts a sleeper on Fuji, Mercury puts a
crossarm breaker on Paradise, Biggz puts a crossarm breaker on Mercury,
Cyanide puts another crossarm breaker on Paradise, Tornado puts a
crossarm breaker on Mercury, Cyanide crossarm breaker on Abugen, Biggs
SPLASHES Paradise and everyone releases their holds. Pinfalls
apparently count in this match and Tony gets two on Paradise.
Tony attacks Tornado. Tornado chokes Tony, whip to the corner,
Tornado charges and clotheslines him in the corner. Everyone
stops fighting and lines up, Fuji shoulerblock, Ronin knee, Abugen
splash, Mercury high knee, Caz drop kick, Cyanide clothesline, Paradise
misses the clothesline, Tony with a flying clothesline on Biggs.
Now they lineup against against Biggz, clothesline Tornado, Fuji high
knee, Ronin forearm shot, Abugen superkick, Mercury clothesline, Caz
side kick but looks to have been dumped, Abugen clothesline, Paradise
splash, and Biggs flops down. Four guys try to flip over Biggz
but can't. Several more get him over, Tony backsplash, Caz
frogsplash off the top gets one. Mercury and Tony chops.
Slam Tony, legdrop gets one. Tony whip and dumps Mercury over the
top but he hits the apron. Mercury drop kicks Tony out.
Ronin chops Mercury. Cyanide trades chops with Abugen and
everyone stops to watch. Abugen gets the clothesline to knock him
down, everyone pats him on the back then throw him out.
Haha. Everyone goes after Cyanide, seemingly to set up Biggz to
splash him from the top rope but Tornado drop kicks him off eliminating
him. Ronin goes to suplex Cyanide, blocked, Paradise goes to
help, Mercury to help, Caz to help, Fuji and Tornado in to help, its a
triple suplex on Fuji, Mercury and Abugen. Ref counts a fall but
everyone sits up at two. Caz gets into a chopping contest with
Ronin, Paradise, Mercury, Fuji, under Tornado and Cyanide grab
him. Caz rolls outside, and the announcer says he's out.
HUH? What happened to over the top? Cyanide clothesline
Tornado. Whip press slam Cyanide on Mercury but gets superkicked
by Paradise, pile on gets the pin on Cyanide. Fuji clothesline,
whip dropkick on Mercury. Ronin gets the hyperextension armbar on
Fuji, Paradise does the other arm, Mercury half crab, Tornado the other
leg and Fuji gives it up to set the four finalists for the tag
match. Match is not over however. Ronin goes after
Tornado. Mercury whips Paradise at Tornado but he jumps him and
climbs Mercury for a moonsault on Paradise gets two. Tornado
hurraconranna on Mercury gets two. Paradise puts Mercury on
Ronin's shoulders for Tornado to springboard dropkick him for
two. Paradise whip Tornado in the corner, tombstone piledriver
gets three. Tornado is out, to big boos. Ronin superkicks
Paradise, Mercury with the DOUBLE TORNADO DDT on Ronin and Paradise
getting two on both of them! Mercury whip Northern Lights suplex
gets two. Ronin clothesline blocked, Paradise gets kicked in the
head. Mercury goes up, spin splash misses, Ronin lariets him,
death valley driver pins Mercury. Paradise and Ronin left, they
slug away. Ronin gets a crossarm breaker but John gets the
rope. Ronin whip Paradise sunset blocked, Ronin gets the crippler
crossface, Paradise turns it over for two. Paradise enzugiri gets
two. Paradise whip reverse sunset flip is blocked into a pin
combo for the win! One of the better battle royals you'll ever
WINNER: Johnny Paradise -> 14:40 mins. ****
Elimination Tag Match
Ronin 199lbs. Monroevia, CA & Charles Mercury 184lbs. New Hampton,
CA vs. Johnny Paradise 223lbs. Paradise City & Human Tornado
164lbs. Harlem, AL - Rules of this match, the last two men move on to
get a Rev Pro contract. Paradise and Ronin start, mat
wrestling, armbars traded, lockup, armdrag Ronin, drop kick Paradise
misses, he offers to shake hands but gets a BIG BOOT Ronin, tag
Mercury. Snap mare, drop kick get two. Suplex Mercury, 2nd
rope legdrop gets two. Jawbreaker Paradise, clothesline, tag
Tornado, he chops away, whip leapfrogs, drop kick. Snap mares
Tornado, kicks, chops, whip drop kick Mercury, elbow gets two.
Slam Mercury, tag Ronin, whip corner, hopover, headbutt Tornado, tag
Paradise, headbutt whip Ronin kicks him down. Tag Mercury, double
whip trip drop kick on the mat. Mercury whip hell kick gets
two. Mercury whip drop kick gets two. Tag Ronin, double
whip kicks then drop kicks get two. Ronin whip drop kick misses,
Tornado frog splash gets two. Tornado whip reverse, fancy kick to
the head gets two. POWERBOMB Ronin, he chops away, whip forearm
corner, snap mare drop kick gets two. Ronin has something like a
dragon sleeper, Ronin whip crossbody by Tornado and they both hit the
mat. Double tags, Paradise, clothesline, suplex gets two.
Paradise whip flying headscissors Mercury, moonsault gets two.
Mercury hops on Paradise's shoulders, Tornado drop kicks him off from
the top rope. Tag Tornado, whip reverse Ronin kicks him, Northern
Lights suplex, Ronin hits a side suplex, Mercury corkscrew splash gets
two. Brainbuster Mercury on Tornado and gets the pin.
Human Tornado, you ARE the weakest link...GOODBYE! Pin at 9:35 mins.
Mercury goes after Paradise, superkick Paradise gets two.
Paradise whip dropkick gets two. Paradise headbutt, whip
powerslam gets two. Backbreaker, holds it as a submission hold by
Paradise. Paradise whip flying headscissors blocked, into the
Northern Lights for two. Paradise shoulderblocks, whip charges,
sunset Mercury gets two. SPEAR Paradise gets two. Headbutt
Paradise, whip tilt-a-whirl side slam gets two. Paradise whip
moves blocked, flying DDT by Mercury. They're tiring. Tag
Ronin, clothesline, whip clothesline, snap suplex gets two. Ronin
twisting suplex gets two. Tag Mercury, double whip Mercury hits a
high knee, Ronin for no reason lariats his own partner and
leaves. Paradise tombstone piledriver gets the pin. I
dunno, the set up of this tag match was just confusing, and frankly why
wouldn't you want to keep all four guys on your roster?
SURVIVORS: Johnny Paradise & Ronin -> 14:35 mins. ***
RPW Jr. Heavyweight Champ Scorpio Sky vs. Quick Silver - This is
non-title. Lockup, trade waistlocks, headlock takedown
Scorpio. Scissors QS, Scorpio to the ropes, shoulerblock has no
effect, drop kick Scorpio. Sky whip QS flips over, drop kick
QS. QS slugs away, Sky gets the triangle choke out of nowhere, QS
gets his own, Sky tries the crippler crossface but QS gets the
rope. QS springboard flatliner gets two. QS armbar, Sky
whip reverse elbow Sky, monkey flip Sky but QS holds the legs and gets
two. Heel kick QS gets two, stomps, legdrop, armbar. Sky
rolls him up from that gets two. Drop kick QS gets two. QS
slam, he goes up, Sky meets him, gets knocked down, SUNSET FLIP off the
top rope QS! QS whip reverse hurraconranna, into a triangle choke
by Sky. Sky whip knee to the gut gets one. Sky whip drop
kick to the corner, missile drop kick to the back. Sky puts on
what looks like a double crippler crossface but QS makes the
rope. Sky puts on a move that Gail Kim has been using, that
piggyback armbar, Sky drives him down however and gets two. Sky
locks in a double underhook headlock and gets two. Sky whip toss
neckbreaker, rear chinlock, QS stands up with it, Sky tries a victory
roll but gets dumped on his head for two. QS covers again but
gets two. QS goes for a piledriver, Sky blocks it, spinning
fireman's carry into a facebreaker on the knee. Sky hits a
reverse DDT into a backbreaker for two. Sky headscissors the
head, someone actually tosses Sky a drink of a water. Sky whip
reverse sunset flip blocked, QS tries a sunset flip but gets caught in
the triangle choke again. QS finally picks him up and POWERBOMBS
him! QS hits what I thought was a neckbreaker, but Sky gets a
rollup for two. Trading of covers repeatedly for twos, they slug
it out on the mat, chops and oh no time runs out! More of a
submission style a match, which was quite good.
NO WINNER: Time Limit Draw -> 15 mins. ***½
WWE or NWA TNA would be wise to sign a number of these guys from Rev
Pro to their rosters as the matches were something to behold. But
I also wonder why none of them showed up in the PWI 500.
Hmmm...anyway, make an effort to watch the material I've selected here.