The Rap Sheet -- by the Crimefighter
Special Streaming Video Edition #3
This rap sheet is posted in a newsgroup that many wrestling organizations could utilize to spread info about their shows but don't, and the archive of all the ones I've written are stored in
For this edition of the streaming video reviews, we have the following:
Ring of Honor out of Pennsylvania
Low Ki vs. American Dragon vs. Christopher Daniels - Triple Threat
"Spanky" Brian Kendrick vs. Paul London
Independent Championship Wrestling out of North Carolina
"Mean" Marc Ash vs. Gentleman James
Scotty McKeever vs. Brent Williams
Stormy Weather vs. Dark Starr & Tripp
Elite Wrestling Federation out of Texas
"Y2B" Bert Williams vs. Crow
WWE Backlash
The Rock vs. Bill Goldberg
Well, something big to fill the main event slot of the Rap Sheet with a WWE PPV main event!
Leading off we have from with some bouts from the Ring of Honor promotion in a one half hour video at 242K quality. A bunch of info about what's in PiperView covering a wide range of topics and scandals in the WWF and WCW that's available for download at a fee. This video of course is part of the free content.
Triple Threat Match
American Dragon vs. Low Ki vs. "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels -- This is from the debut show of Ring of Honor on 2/23/2K2 in Philly. Steve Corino and Donnie B are commentating this bout. Ki does a neat flip move into the ring for his entrance. I can't believe neither Daniels or Low Ki were ever signed to the WWF or WCW rosters. Low Ki wasn't used beyond a couple of bouts in the WWF for Jakked shows. Daniels was bought on a WCW Nitro show for a match against Michael Modest, but in what was the second or third to the final nail put in WCW's coffin was Scott Steiner running out there eight minutes into the match and destroying both guys because he wanted all the attention on himself. Yes that one was one of the WORST promotional moves possible on a company on life support. Now Steiner is one of those guys in the business where you can equate it to the #1 pick in the NFL draft and once gotten on the field turns out to be a crappy player that gets cut during the preseason. All three men in a standoff, then form a triangle. Daniels kicks away at Dragon, but Dragon and Ki clothesline Daniels. Dragon and Daniels locked up, Ki kicks the others away. Fast forward, Dragon is in the tree of woe, Daniels Irish whip reversal, knockout by Ki. Ki kicks away at Daniels but Dragon hooks the arms. Daniels locks two submission holds at the same time. Jump forward, Ki is kicking Dragon repeatedly. Skip ahead, sickle hold by Dragon but Ki breaks it up. Kick to the head by Ki, Dragon still has the leg, suplex by Dragon, two count in a tie up. Chop by Dragon on Ki, chop by Ki, Irish whip double elbow by Dragon. Skip arm lock by Dragon, Ki breaks it up again, snap mare, kick but Dragon gets up, stares at him then does the same to him. Stare down. Daniels is snap mared down and they take turns kicking Daniels in the back. Skip ahead, double kick on Daniels, oops there's a miss. Skip ahead, double DDT by Daniels, double cover gets two. Skip ahead again, Dragon kicks away on Daniels. Ki puts Dragon on top, but gets shoved off. Daniels on top, ab stretch on the top rope. Ki up there to break it up, tree of woe with an arm around his neck on Daniels! Skip ahead, Daniels with a thunder drive gets two. Ki with a somersault attack misses, Daniels has Ki on top but gets chopped off, Dragon meets Ki up there superplex attempt, belly to back suplex joined by Ki. Skip ahead, flatliner by Daniels on Ki. Daniels up top, moonsault gets two but Dragon makes the save. Another skip ahead, Dragon knocks Ki out of the ring, Dragon with a double underhook with a bridge in a submission hold called the count of mutilation but Ki hits a twisting phoenix splash by Low Ki on a vulerable Dragon. Ki with the Ki-Crusher finishes it. For a highlight reel this was an excellent bout with a bunch of moves I've not seen before, and the WWF could REALLY get their act together by signing these three for the cruiserweight roster, but Vince McMahon has completely forgotten what quality wrestling matches are. Maybe NWA TNA will be the replacement for bad wrestling.
WINNER: Low Ki pin -> 10 mins. shown. ***½
"Spanky" Brian Kendrick vs. Paul London -- Kendrick is now in the WWF of course, London is not. This was from the first round of the ROH title tournament on 6/22/2K2, block A. Kendrick with an arm wringer, reversed with a rollthru, Spanky tries a cover and gets one. Test of strength, but an arm wringer and hammerlock by Spanky. London with an arm wringer. Irish whip reverse, Spanky monkeyflip and drop kick. To the corner, shoulder block, Irish whip, reverse, London tossed onto the apron, London flips himself in with a headscissors. Running of the ropes, spin kick by London. Corino goes through what ring of honor means here, the WWF should take note. Spanky with a side suplex onto London's face, another suplex variation. Irish whip back elbow to the face by Spanky gets two. Spanky with an armbar, but London fights back, Irish whip, London gets sat on. Spanky kicks London's face extremely hard but gets two. London hits back but Spanky blocks it, snap suplex gets two. Trade of punches, London does a flip tackle off the ropes. Charge by Spanky meets a boot, Irish whip London, flying headscissors by Spanky, superkick. London going up, shooting star press misses. Sliced Bread #2 blocked and hung on the ropes. London kicks him outside. Flipping suicide dive by London onto Spanky. No mats out there, ugh. London throws him in, up to the second rope moonsault gets two for London. Punching by Spanky, face first slam by London gets 2½. London with a drop slam, to the top, Spanky trips him, superplex and London lands on his head. Somehow this gets only two. Suplex by Spanky and drives London on his head. Spanky on top but London knocks him down, kicks him away, moonsaults over him, Sliced Bread #2 the Acid Drop turned into a neck breaker is landed on London for three! This was an exceptional match. I just noticed I reviewed a bout also reviewed by 411's Scott Keith and he scored the same star rating.
WINNER: "Spanky" Brian Kendrick pin -> 10 mins. ****
Moving onto Independent Championship Wrestling out of North Carolina, some bouts shown from 7/7/1998 in a half-hour video at at 96K video quality.
Long still graphic on an upcoming show. Promo by "Felon" Lex Reed where he bashes Marc Ash.
"Mean" Marc Ash vs. Gentlemen James - And it's another Marc Ash match! Ash jumps James, Irish whip to the corner, Ash does a roll and shoulder block, snap mare, leg drop gets two. Ash pickup, Irish whip reversal, hip toss James, slam, rear headlock. Ash pokes an eye to get out, suplex. Ash on the second rope, drops an elbow and gets two before being thrown off. Irish whip clothesline James gets two. Audio is ahead of the video here. James with a knockdown. Suplex James gets two. Arm wringer by James, Irish whip clothesline gets two. Running elbowdrop gets two. James gets him in the corner for some chopping, Irish whip Ash stops and chops back. Ash with a running leg drop, on the second rope, flying fist to the head. Ash with a rear chinlock. Ash, Irish whip to the corner, James moves away, Ash goes flying over the top and hits his head on the post. James with a slam on the floor. Ash gets back in, sunset flip gets two. Knee drop by James, legdrop gets two. Headlock on the mat, holds it a long while, Ash elbows out, clothesline, knee to the head Ash. Irish whip spinning heel kick from Ash, legdrop, picks him up, goes for a piledriver but can't lift him. James with a back body drop. Irish whip drop kick James, cover for two. James runs with a elbow but misses. Ash chops back, Irish whip, flying back elbow. Irish whip, someone trips James. Ash on top, flying leg drop gets three.
WINNER: "Mean" Marc Ash pin -> 8:15 mins. **½
ICW Heavyweight Title Match
(c)Scotty McKeever vs. Brent Maverick - Scotty McKeever was mostly known for jobbing in WCW, and getting beat up badly in the process. Lockup, McKeever to the corner, clean break, twice. Arm wringer McKeever, reversed, hair yank and stomp by McKeever. Irish whip elbow, leg drop from the bottom rope, cover for two McKeever. Wide shot for the whole thing. Vertical suplex McKeever, running flying elbow gets three. This was a TITLE MATCH? Total squash.
WINNER: Scotty McKeever pin -> 1:50 mins. ½*
Interview with Scotty McKeever and Scotty Blaze, they talk about who they want to take out. McKeever wants to take out Marc Ash. Interview with Dark Starr and Tripp, they talk about who they are after.
ICW Tag Team Title Match
Stormy Weather - DA Thunder & Steve Storm vs. Dark Starr & Tripp - Dark Star & Storm start. They circle, lockup Starr with an armdrag. Tag Thunder. Starr with an armdrag. Tag Tripp. Where's the audience? U-Haul truck and Subway banner are very prominent in the scene. Armdrag, armbar Tripp, eye poke Thunder, tag Storm. Chop Storm. Tripp puts Storm in the corner, does the ten punch count on his head. Irish whip to the corner, Tripp goes for the monkey flip but Storm holds the ropes. Pickup, arm twist tag Thunder. Kick, suplex Thunder and the ring collapses! BIG hole on Stormy Weather's side of the ring. Well now everything breaks loose, the heels stomp away in the hole, then Storm runs up and knocks Starr off the apron. Stormy Weather does a double trip on Tripp into the hole and pins him in there. Match was nothing and probably cause they had to cut to the finish immediately. The visual of the ring collapsing in the middle of a match is a sight to see.
WINNERS: Stormy Weather pin -> 2:40 mins. ½*
Next on the list, a match from the Elite Wrestling Federation out of Texas on 12/21/2K1 at at 96K video quality. Alas, the EWF seems to be in limbo as a company right now.
Lumberjack Match
"Y2B" Bert Williams 181lbs. Troy, NY vs. Crow 175lbs. "Deepest Darkest" Texas - No commentary track on this one. Bert Williams claims that he's the first one to use the Y2 gimmick and blames Chris Jericho for it losing its sizzle when he uses the Y2J gimmick. Well here's a building with a low ceiling, but in this case, they took out all the ceiling tiles so they can do moves off the top rope. Stuck with a wide shot and all these wrestlers outside blocking some of the view. The Crow is wearing a black T-shirt to make it easier to tell them apart. Headlock Crow, shove off, shoulder block Crow, several missed moves but Williams takes down Crow. Chops by Williams, Irish whip reversed, several misses clotheslines but Crow connects. Chops by Crow, whip, back body drop. Crow tosses Williams out to be mugged as Crow waits. Crow tosses him out again. Punch in the corner, slam crow. Running leg drop by Crow gets two. Irish whip to the corner, Crow hits the post and falls outside to be mugged. Williams in the ring waits, Crow is tossed in. Williams with chops, Irish whip, side slam gets two. Williams goes to the top rope, Crow bounces on the ropes to knock him off. Williams tries a tornado DDT but it's blocked and Williams is tossed out for a mugging. Slam Crow, now he goes up top. Flying elbowdrop gets a two count. Slam Crow, back up to the top rope but Williams goes up with him and a superplex! It's a two count only. Crow suplexes Y2B over his head and gets a two count. Can't see what's going on the mat here. Irish whip Williams charge misses, Crow with a clothesline gets two. Crow tries taking a shot at a woman outside the ring and gets punched. Hmmm...interference from wrestlers outside going on, Williams with a Death Valley Driver gets two. Williams argues with the ref, someone jumps in and clotheslines Crow. Williams with another Death Valley Driver gets three.
WINNER: "YB2" Bert Williams pin -> 7:05 mins. *½
Now it's time for the "main event" of the Rap Sheet streaming video review, and it's from last Sunday's WWE Backlash on 4/27/2003! This came from The match is broken up into seven separate file segments. Segment one is the video hype package of Rock/Goldberg confrontations from RAW. Segment two is Terri Runnels interviewing the Rock, of which Rock goes through his spiel and says you're next you blankety-blank b****! Segment three, the ring introductions of the Rock and Goldberg. Segment four we go to the ring action. Goldberg enters the ring and the Rock flees. I've heard complaints about Goldberg's ring music, but as with everything I go into it "how bad can this be?" It seems a bit more sinister sounding music on first impression. Finally the Rock gets on the apron while Goldberg is on the other side, now he's in. Rocky chants. I did this review before reading any others so my opinion isn't skewed.
"The Rock" Rocky Maivia 245lbs. Miami, FL vs. Bill Goldberg 280lbs. Atlanta, GA - John Coachman & Jerry "The King" Lawler call the action. When are we gonna have AUSTIN vs. GOLDBERG??? That's the dream main event the fans were looking for! Here's hoping Stone Cold Steve Austin has just ONE more match in him despite the neck trouble so this question can be settled for good. Now a Goldberg chant gets going to counter. You know I don't understand this claimed large contingent of people who claimed they've NEVER seen a Goldberg match. Am I one of the VERY FEW who watched BOTH WWF and WCW during the Monday night wars? Yes I taped one show while watching the other, I mean I was one of those for a period of time was a rapid fan of the thing. When I had to do without cable, I watched a lot less and relied on written up recaps of the shows on the net. That was all I needed to keep up with things without having seen much of it. Long staredown and some trash talking. Bell rings finally. Lockup, shove Goldberg. Rocky shouts you are in trouble now. Lockup, another shove this time out of the ring. Rock in and a slap. Goldberg punches back, Irish whip reverse, shoulder block Goldberg, clothesline out of the ring. Rock lays outside a long while, then starts leaving. To segment five, Goldberg reaches for Rock but gets yanked on the ropes, clothesline. Rock punches, Irish whip reverse, kick Rock. Goldberg with a Rock Bottom! Set up for the spear...Rock is slow to get up, charge and Goldberg crashes into the post hard! Segment six, back from replay, Rock tosses Bill in, kick to the shoulder, scorpion death lock/sharpshooter applied. Right shoulder is hurt, Rock is having trouble holding the submission hold, Bill crawls to the ropes for the break. Rock shoves the ref, and a LOW BLOW. Rock sets up for the Rock Bottom but gets speared with the bad shoulder. Replay. Rock up, Goldberg lands a punch, Irish whip reverse shoulder block Goldberg. Powerslam Goldberg gets two. Another replay of the charge to the post. Knee to the gut, Bill Irish whip to the corner, meets an elbow from Rock. Clotheslines from Rock have no effect, Rock with his own spear. Segment seven, Rock waiting for the Rock Bottom, hits it for two and a half. Rock with punches, weak clothesline Goldberg. Irish whip, reversed, spinebuster Rock. Here comes the People's Elbow, wham! No way you beating Goldberg with that, two. Goldberg's still hampered with that shoulder. Set up, spear Goldberg! Goldberg waits to do it again, Rock is slow to get up. Goldberg sucks chant, geez what's the deal people? I mean this isn't Scott Steiner here. Rock up, looking the wrong way, another spear! Goldberg, jackhammer slam gets three! An okay debut in the WWE, just nothing real special about the match other than it's the Rock's last for several months.
WINNER: Bill Goldberg pin -> 13:05 mins. *½
Now looking to see what 411's Scott Keith wrote, and he apparently missed completely the fact that Goldberg wrecked his shoulder on the post and the thought never crossed his mind that it could of been a factor in what he claimed was Goldberg looking like a total weakling. I mean sheesh, didn't the two replays show that CLEARLY?
Another wide-ranging variety of matches scattered about the Internet. The Ring of Honor stuff pretty much blew away everything else out of the water. I've pretty much run out of stuff to review, so this will be the last one of the set for a while. Until next time, this is your friendly neighborhood Crimefighter sayin' bustin' ain't easy!