The Rap Sheet - from the Crimefighter
Special Streaming Video Edition #23

Another day, another rap sheet that's posted in and And this time we go back to for more videos.

New South Wrestling/Southern States Wrestling out of Tennessee

Tony "The Dragon" Givens vs. Damien Logan
"Cutthroat" Josh Cody vs. EZ Money
Tony Givens & Eric Darkstorm vs. Chris Vega & Deacon B. Furious
Tony Givens & Justin Sensation vs. Josh Cody & Super Destroyer

Revolution Pro Wrestling out of California

Mr. Excitement vs. Scott Lost
Excalibur vs. Taro
B Boy vs. Lil Cholo
Joey Ryan vs. Mike Quackenbush

First off, we look at matches from New South Wrestling, which recently did a merger with Southern States Wrestling.

NSW Heavyweight Championship
(c)"The Disciple" Damien Logan vs. Tony "The Dragon" Givens ???lbs. Bristol, TN - No stats on either man as they cut the intros from the video, but it's a cruiserweight vs. a heavyweight. Logan had wrestled in OVW and Smokey Mountain Wrestling, alas today the man confined to a wheelchair after his father shot him repeatedly in an attempt to kill him. Logan is the larger man wearing the flames and this ended up being his last match ever. This was from Kingsport, TN on 2/27/2003. Lockup to the corner, Logan with a punch and inverted atomic drop, shoulderblock. Givens with an inverted atomic drop and drop kick sending Logan out. Givens teases a move to the floor but Logan yanks Givens off the apron, clothesline, rams him into a chair, toss in. Man there's hardly anyone in the seats watching this show, what's up with that? Logan whip elbow gets two. Logan pulls on Givens face then goes to work on the leg. Logan elbow in the corner, choke, shoulderblock in the corner, whip shoulder in the gut. Logan snap mare, kick to the back gets two. Rear headlock, Givens stands up, elbows out, but gets elbowed outside. Givens climbs up, shoulderblocks Logan, sunset flip gets two. Logan with a few chops, whip runs into a boot, Givens with a clothesline. Givens goes up, Logan with a punch, Logan goes up with him but gets shoved off, Givens with a tornado DDT getting two. Given whip reverse, DDT Givens gets two. Small package by Givens gets two. Givens slugs away in the corner, weak punches at that, Logan with a spinebuster gets two. Logan picks up Givens in a reverse fireman's carry but drops him, then does a rollup getting two. Hmmmm...Logan blew something there. Turnbuckle smash in the corner, whip Logan, eats a boot, Givens hits Logan with the Sliced Bread #2 getting two. Wade Adams jumps in the ring out of nowhere and causes a cheapo DQ. LAME. Side suplex Adams. Tony "The Shooter" Cooper comes in the ring and slugs away on Logan and Adams. Powerslam Cooper on Logan. Big Daddy Gordy comes in the ring and spinebusters Cooper down. Alex Winters enters the ring and blasts Gordy with a kendo stick, which has no effect. Winters nails everyone else with the stick running them off.

WINNER: Tony "The Dragon" Given DQ -> 6:50 mins. *½

"Cutthroat" Josh Cody w/ Rebecca Lynn vs. EZ Money 6'2" 239lbs. Atlantic City, NJ - From the same show as the last match here. EZ Money is the former ECW and short-lived WCW star who the WWF stupidly didn't want. Cody started training at 12, then started wrestling pro at 13, which I'd tell anyone I don't support that idea for the simple fact that they're underage and the injury risks are high. Looks like a heavyweight vs. a middleweight here. Cody is mocking EZ Money to start. Lockup, armbar EZ, reversed headlock Cody, shove, shoulderblock Cody, monkey flip Money, back body drop clothesline outside EZ. Cody shoulderblock, misses a sunset flip, EZ standing moonsault gets two. EZ teases a low blow but puts him into an inverted Boston Crab, then lifts him in the air by the arms in a porch swing type hold. EZ drops him, then an elbow and gets two. Rear headlock by EZ, hair throw by EZ, whip Cody holds the ropes, EZ charges and Cody jumps over him. EZ outside, knee to the face, springboard moonsault on the floor by Cody. EZ with a rope snap, flips over the top rope and hits a clothesline getting two. EZ with a suspended surfboard, drops him and gets two. EZ with a slam, he goes up, does a moonsault but lands on his feet and jams his knee. Cody finally goes after the knee after waiting around, applies a single leglock. Cody stomps away at it, EZ with a enzuigiri. Cody with a drop kick to the knee, knee slam, figure four. Cody keeps grabbing the ropes and the ref is not breaking the hold. After the third time he makes him let go, Cody with a dragon screw leg whip. Cody with a leg vice, but EZ kicks him off. Cody whip sunset flip EZ gets two. Drop kick to the knee by Cody, spinning toe hold, drops knees on the bad knee, ankle lock by Cody. EZ kicks him off, slugs away, whip to the corner, Cody with a snap sunset flip. Cody does a double springboard moonsault but misses entirely. EZ Money slugs him, whip reverse but Cody gets powerbombed for two. Whip to the corner, EZ eats a boot, Cody tries a flying hurraconranna but EZ hits a modified Styles Clash where he drops him on his back gets two. EZ Money goes up, the valet gets on the apron, Stan Lee runs out from the back to crotch EZ Money (Stan Lee from the Midnight Express? Tony Givens runs out to attack Lee. Cody goes up for a superplex but EZ hits a LOW BLOW. EZ tries to powerbomb Cody from the top rope, but Cody manages to reverse it into a hurraconranna in midair!!! Dang that looked dangerous! And he got the pin from it! Major upset.

WINNER: "Cutthroat" Josh Cody pin -> 12:25 mins. ***½

Tony "The Dragon" Givens ???lbs. Bristol, TN & "Pure F'N Talent" Eric Darkstorm ???lbs. Atlanta, GA vs. "Hot Stuff" Chris Vega ???lbs. Lexington, KY & Deacon B. Furious ???lbs. Huntington, WV - This one took place on 1/10/2003 in Racine, WV. Darkstorm and Vega start. Furious is the one with blonde hair, Vega's wearing red and gray. Smallish looking ring and the facility looks small as well. Sheesh the chants are making this a real slow start to the match. Lockup finally to the corner, clean break. Lockup again, armbar Vega, hammerlock, reversed, armbar by Darkstorm, headlock Vega, armdrag Darkstorm. Whip reversed, armdrag Darkstorm. Arm wringer, second rope legdrop on the arm. Tag Givens, double arm wringer, chops, double forward Russian leg sweep gets two. Givens arm wringer, headlock, punches at his head as fans scream "harder!", armbar. Vega to the ropes, slugs away, whip Givens stops, kick spinning neckbreaker gets one. Rake by Vega, tag Furious, arm drag Givens. He works the arm on the mat, 270' leg drop on the arm. Givens makes the ref hold the arm so he can hit a running punch. Tag Darkstorm, axe handle drop from the top. Whip Darkstorm, spinning heel kick, whip dropkick to the face. Darkstorm powerslam, tag Givens, arm wringer on Furious. Furious with a rake, pounds away but gets dropkicked in the knees. Givens with a shining wizard that MISSES the mark completely by a FOOT yet I hear the impact slap somehow. And Furious acts like he was hit, or maybe that was the pushoff from the other foot. Vega runs in but Darkstorm kicks him out, then tosses Furious but crashes into the ropes. Sheesh, bad sequence there. Vega pulls his partner out and begs for a time out. Furious back in, Darkstorm attacks (no tag), whip to the corner, rolling side kick to the face, then a drop kick in the corner. Darkstorm makes a wish and drops his legs, tag Givens. He goes up, flying punch on the arm, big chop, arm wringer, teases Vega with a tag then kicks him off then Furious down. Givens rams Furious in his corner, tag Darkstorm with some big chops. Darkstorm whips Furious, reversal to his corner, tag Vega and they stomp Darkstorm down. What's the sense of whipping your opponent to his own corner? Stupid thing to do unless you want him to tag out. Vega with a suplex getting two. Vega whip, Darkstorm tries the wheelbarrow bulldog but gets dropped face first getting two. Tag Furious who kicks and punches away. Furious off the ropes dropping an elbow gets one. Furious whip elbow, tag Vega. Stompaway, chops by Vega, Givens gets mad too easily allowing a double team, side suplex by Vega gets two. Vega goes for an Irish whip, Givens reaches out and tags Darkstorm on the arm, jawbreaker by Darkstorm, neckbreaker by Givens. Furious comes in and gets kicked in the head, neckbreaker. No tag there, headlock Givens, shoveoff, knee to the back by Vega, Furious punches away. Tag Vega, snap mare, punch, headlock on the mat. Givens elbows out, crossbody Givens gets one. Vega with a sleeper hold, Givens gets out of it, Vega with a side suplex gets two. Tag Furious, big chop then locks in a standing submission hold which I can't see, Givens rolls him up for one though. Whip Furious, sunset flip Givens gets two. Tag Vega, he slugs away, whip to the corner, charge misses. Tag Furious, tag Darkstorm, clothesline, whip clothesline Darkstorm. He punches away in the corner, all four in the ring, double whip do-se-do, Givens and Darkstorm fire KO punches. Givens hits a LEG jawbreaker on Furious, side effect by Darkstorm on Vega gets two. Double whip, Givens and Vega crash into each other, Darkstorm clothesline on Furious. They go outside, Vega and Givens are being counted, they're up, backslide Givens, referee counts three. Just not as good of a match as some would think.

WINNERS: Tony "The Dragon" Givens & "Pure F'N Talent" Eric Darkstorm pin -> 20 mins. **

Tony "The Dragon" Givens & Justin Sensation vs. "Cutthroat" Josh Cody & Super Destroyer - This is from New Years Day 2004, at a SSW event in Morristown, TN and it's a wide shot during the whole match. Destroyer is the biggest man in the match at 6'7" and 300lbs. dwarfing all the cruiserweights. Now there's been a few different men who've wrestled under the Super Destroyer gimmick, but I doubt this one is the original. Justin and Josh start. Lockup, to the corner, punch by Cody. Lockup to the corner again, clean break but Cody slugs Givens, heh. Lockup, third time back in the corner and Cody gets slugged this time. Justin slugs away, whip reversed, armdrag Sensation. Legdrop by Justin on the arm, armwringer, tag Givens. He goes up, drops a forearm from the top, quick tag, Sensation drops an axe on Cody's arm, quick tag, Givens back on top, drops a forearm, Justin drops an axehandle off the top, Givens drops a forearm, puts Cody's arm on the mat and drops an elbow. Russian leg sweep Givens, seven running elbows in row and a cover gets two. Cody with a rake and tags the Super Destroyer, drop toe hold by Givens, front face lock, Destroyer puts Givens on the top rope and walks away? Destroyer stupidly walks right into an axehandle to the head, clothesline, armwringer, Destroyer backs him to a corner, Givens with an armdrag off a whip. Givens stands on Destroyers arm, then does a flip legdrop, Destroyer backs Givens into a corner, whip splash misses, Givens with an armdrag and armbar. Well this Destroyer ain't super, he's just NOT EVEN TRYING. Givens taunts Cody who keeps coming in and the ref has to put him out. Givens tags Justin, kick to the arm, quick tag, elbow on the arm, quick tag Justin with a superkick to the arm, tag Givens, elbow, then hands the armbar to the ref for Givens to do a running elbow on the arm. Sheesh, all that's missing is the crowd to count the repeated moves, it ain't the ten punch count that's for sure. Givens now sits on the arm pulling it upward, tag Justin, he sits on the arm repeatedly, then applies a hammerlock, arm wringer, Destroyer finally throws a kick and slams Justin but misses an elbow. Justin lands four elbowdrops in succession, tag Givens, drops two feet from the top on the arm. Destroyer with a rake, tag Cody, armdrag Givens. Tag Justin, elbow on the arm, whip to the corner, clothesline, rolling legdrop splash doubleteam. Givens in, armbar, Cody tag whip, Givens in a bearhug, then lowered for a springboard legdrop gets two. Cody suplex gets two, ram into the boot, tag Destroyer. Whp elbow Destroyer, tag Cody, doubleteam wheelbarrow splash gets two. Cody KO punch, ram into Destroyers knee, tag double whip double elbow. Destroyer covers getting two. Tag Cody, whip tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, elbow double team by Cody gets two. Slam Cody, successive moonsaults off the bottom rope, middle rope, and top rope gets two. Man what's with the repeated moves? Well that was cute though with the moonsaults. Tag Destroyer, double whip, side slam elbow combo gets two. Tag Cody, punch to the side, whip Cody with a kick but Givens grabs the leg, Cody flips out of it, Givens with a dropkick. Tag Justin, Destroyer distracts the ref and won't allow it, Destroyer in for the illegal switch, he pounds away, drops the knee, gets two. Tag Cody, side slam Destroyer, cover gets two. Destroyer on the top rope, Cody does a moonsault off HIS shoulders but MISSES Givens. He escapes and tags Justin, clotheslines, dropkicks for everyone. Double whip, Givens hits a form of a facebuster on Cody. Justin slugs away on Destroyer, Givens covers Cody but only gets two. Destroyer tosses Givens out, Justin goes up, Cody dodges a frogsplash, Givens gets posted by Destroyer outside. Cody pickup, whip Justin gets grabbed on a leapfrog attempt, Cody hangs Justin upside down on his back and drops him in a new version of a piledriver for the win. Some unusual moves and rapid succession of the same moves made an interesting change of pace for tag team action apart from the tried and true tag work seen by many. Wished they'd position the camera a bit differently though. A bit better than the previous tag match but the flaws in the match stick out like sore thumbs.

WINNERS: Cutthroat Josh Cody & Super Destroyer pin -> 17:00 mins. **¾

That's all for the Southern States Wrestling bouts. Moving on to Revolution Pro out of California.

Mr. Excitement 208lbs. San Juan, Pureto Rico vs. Scott Lost 193lbs. San Diego, CA - Someone shouts that Scott IS lost. This match is from the first round of the Revolution J tourney on 9-28-2K2. These guys are announced as being from NWA California. Slugfest to start, Lost gets KO'ed. Whip crossbody by Lost but Mr. Excitement tosses him off, butterfly suplex and Lost bails. Some masked man is with Lost apparently. Excitement throws Lost back in, Lost runs the ropes to hit a baseball slide kick to the head. Suplex off the bottom rope back in by Lost gets two, Lost kicks away in the corner, running knee to Excitement's head. Lost slugs away, Excitement fires back, snap mare Lost, hard kick to the back gets two. Lost whip clothesline missed, spinning heel kick gets two. Lost whip reversed, Excitement eats a boot, clothesline Lost. Lost goes up, flying elbow gets two. Lost kicks away, slugfest in the ring, double clotheslines and they're both down. Both are up, side suplex Excitement gets two. Excitement puts Lost on top, slugging on the top, Lost knocks him down, Lost flying senton from the middle rope gets two. Lost grabs the ref for some reason, misses a kick in the corner, but gets a crossbody for two. Lost whip flying headbutt in the gut, spin kick to the head Lost gets two. Lost whip kick blocked, Excitement with a suplex INTO the corner, KO forearm and wins it. Decent fast-paced quickie match for me.

WINNER: Mr. Excitement pin -> 6 mins. **¼

Excalibur vs. Taro - Ack, they cut the intros, and we don't know which man is which, great. I'm guessing the man in black is the one named Excalibur, who trash talks the one wearing the red mask with horns...that must be Taro. This is from 9-28-2001 at the first ever Rev J tourney. We're outside at night too. Headlock by Excalibur, shoveoff, shoulderblock Excabliur, high knee, chops, forearms. Whip reversed Taro backdropped over the top, mask yank, flying headscissors Taro. Taro goes up, flying suicide senton onto Excalibur on the floor. Oh the match is clipped as we fade to Taro tossing Excalibur back in. Taro id's himself with a chant and forming letters with his body. Taro with a clothesline off the top rope in the ring gets two. Neckbreaker Taro, a second, then an implant DDT, he goes up, Excalibur no-sells the damage by rolling away from a legdrop. Excalibur with a hard clothesline, then a tombstone piledriver. Excalibur goes up and misses a flying headbutt. Taro hops on Excalibur's shoulders and appeared to be going for the mask, but Excalibur dumps him, then hits a butterfly/double underhook piledriver for the win. Heh, they cut the announcement of the winner too. This one was too short the way things were going.

WINNER: Excalibur pin -> 3:45 mins. shown **

B Boy 5'10" 198lbs. San Diego, CA vs. Lil Cholo 5'8" 187lbs. Orange Co. CA - And this match is joined in progress from 3-22-2K2. Cholo is shoved in the corner then they spit on each other. Headlock B Boy, shoulderblock Cholo, headscissors takedown, arm drags Cholo, B Boy with a back drop to the apron, Cholo pulls him outside, suicide dive between the ropes into the crowd by Cholo where the ref held the ropes open. Hurraconranna on the floor by Cholo, and there's no matting out there. B Boy is tossed back in, Cholo jumps over him, then hits a drop kick. Cholo tries the shining wizard but blows it entirely, managing only to kick his rear. Slam Cholo, middle rope legdrop gets two. Whip to the corner and a hard slap by Cholo. Cholo points to the ref that HE hit him, and B Boy slaps him. Cholo tries to slap B Boy and slaps the ref. B Boy with a head and arm suplex gets two. Chops by B Boy, headbutt. B Boy snap mare and a hard kick to the back. Rear chinlock with a knee on the back by B Boy. B Boy goes for a suplex but does a swinging neckbreaker instead getting two. B Boy chokes Cholo on the mat, whip grazing boot to the head. B Boy teases a move off the ropes but goes back to the choke. B Boy whip back body drop attempt meets a Cholo kick, but B Boy with a Russian leg sweep. B Boy moves Cholo in the sunset flip position, but scissors the legs around the body with the arms hooked and locks his hands around the back of Cholo's head and pulls toward him. This move is dubbed as the highly imaginative name of the "B Boy Lock". Cholo makes the ropes however and forces the break. B Boy snap mare, and headlock on the mat. Cholo elbows out, B Boy with a spinebuster then walks on him with a one foot cover. B Boy with a slam, then goes up top, but has nothing in mind as Cholo throws him face first to the mat on the way down take looked sloppy. Cholo covers for two. Cholo with a chop, then chokes him. Whip reverse Cholo with a spinebuster gets two. B Boy with a gut wrench suplex gets two. Slugfest in the ring, then a double clothesline. B Boy up, whip B Boy's move gets reversed into a DDT by Cholo. Cholo goes to the second rope, hurraconranna is blocked, Cholo whip reversed, B Boy with cross-legged brainbuster wins it.

WINNER: B Boy pin -> 11:05 mins. shown **½

Joey Ryan 5'11" 207lbs. Los Angeles, CA vs. Mike Quackenbush 6'0" 191lbs. West Lawn, PA - Okay, I'm gonna wrap up the sheet with this match from 9-28-2K2. This is another first round match from that Rev J tourney. Quackenbush is a name that's gonna get your attention when reading indy results even if you never see a match of his. Lockup, takedown Ryan gets zero, Mike takedown gets zero. Lockup, headlock Ryan, shoveoff shoulderblock Ryan gets one, he then pulls on the arm before Mike gets the rope. Full nelson Ryan, some reversals, headlock takedown by Joey. Mike wiggles his way out of it. Strength test before Mike monkey flips him, then a Northern Lights suplex gets two. Mike rides Joey around and rolls him up for two. German suplex by Ryan after some switching around for position, then stomps away. Drop kick off the ropes by Ryan gets two. Rear headlock by Joey, Mike elbows out, flying headscissors by Mike, then suicide dives on Joey but gets little of him as a result. Mike with a springboard senton on Joey gets two. Mike with a whip and he eats a boot, Joey tries a DDT but is blocked, but applies some sort of headlock trapping an arm. That doesn't last, Mike gets out of it, and tries a tornado DDT but gets inverted atomic dropped off the ropes, Joey suplexes him for two thereafter. Mike won't get up and Joey kicks his head. Joey pounds away in the corner, whip reversed HARD slap by Mike. The Quack with an interesting version of a backbreaker, but it turns into more of an inverted death valley driver that gets two. Slugfest in the ring, Joey applies a sleeper, then hits a sitdown inverted DDT. Joey puts on briefly a liontamer before foolishly standing up and Mike rolls out of it. The Quack holds Ryan above his head by the forearms then flips him down on his back, hooks the legs and pins him.

WINNER: Mike Quackenbush pin -> 7:20 mins. ***

That's it for today, I don't have anything in mind to review next time around, other than an NMW show but until next time, this is the Crimefighter saying bustin' ain't easy!